Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Semi-messy

Q: Are you still tired (@The_early_walker) ?

a: nope busy cys meeting at 9:30h

Q: did you left bathroomalready?

A: What do you mean? That was an hour ago already.

Q: Are there tears :droplet: in your eyes?

a right now? no but sometimes yes
A: what is ya showergel smelling like?

Q: Um, unfortunately I don’t know how to translate it into English. :blush:

A: When was the last time you were scolded about your (lack of) command of the English language?

[If even I can get scolded (a few days ago :blush:) by a native female client from Britain, then surely for other people it is worse.]

A lol you tell me every single day we chat!

Q short or long trousers today?

I mean, by someone else, other than forum members. Ok so I get that the problem with my English is being not precise enough. (So clients may still interpret it wrongly)

A: I’m wearing short ones now.

Q: When was the last time you saw an uninvited animal (not insect) in your house? What animal was it?

Oh crap, I only just realized that I misread that :stuck_out_tongue: I read it as coach not couch. Opps :laughing:

There’s a cat in my neighbourhood that comes regularly, it’s annoying to me.

Q: Is there a certain word that you misread for another? I tend to misread massage and message.

A: The 3 musketeers “miter”, “liter” & “biter”. The 1st two are US spellings of their respective words, while the 3rd is an uncommon conjugation of the word “bite” (not “bitter”)

Q: Which do you prefer, the apple pie from McDonalds or the taro pie from Burger King?
Oops where did I get the taro from, mistake, that was when travelling overseas a few years back. (That’s why my father and I were wondering last year or so how come no Taros at McDonalds.)

Q: Which do you prefer, Big Mac or Quarter Pounder?

A) Quarter pounder

Q) do you prefer wearing shows or flip flops?

Depends where I am.

Q: Is it ‘flip flop’ or ‘flit flop’? because the only flip flop I’ve ever heard of is a JK flip flop to do with circuits.

A) I know it’s flip flop is US and Canada due to the company name
Q) what do you call it?

I call them flit flops, idk if it’s correct though

Q: Do you own any ironic footwear (where it’s designed for a certain purpose and it’s rubbish at fulfilling it)?

A) I had a sort of flip flop that broke on the first day wearing it. My friends ended up going around looking to find a new pair since i couldn’t walk. Also my football cleats, made for grass, sort of slip on grass fields.

Q) piece of clothing or attire that you have but never use?

I got a weird sweater once Xmas, it was a weird woven material, looked cool, but haven’t had a chance to wear it.

On the topic of ironic footwear my current speedos are designed for water sports but treading on wet metal is like treading on black ice that has been coated in oil.

Q: A piece of clothing you can’t stop wearing because you like it so much?

A) my one pair of jeans. I don’t have a picture of it, but it’s just too comfortable to stop wearing!

Q) specific color of clothing you always tend to wear?

Jeans? Comfortable? I hate jeans, my would be more flexible if they were made of solid diamond. I can’t move my legs, when I sit down I get serious jack ups and my crotch gets crushed every time.

I don’t have one. I tend to wear bright summer shirts.

Q: Fav type of bag? (yes, I’m out of interesting things to ask).

You may need to try other types of jeans then! :stuck_out_tongue:

A) backpack

Q) favourite piece of technology?

I’ve owned multiple pair, all being equally horrid.

Do I count? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But seriously, tech loves going wrong around me.

Q: Are you superstitious?

A) Not really

Q) amount of time you spend on the internet per day?