Can you touch your shoulders?

This. You just choose the days. You can get single day tickets, 2 days tickets, 3 days and so on… Most of these offer camping spaces, parking and stuff like that as well in the ticke’ts price.

And we can hop from stage to stage? That must be exhausting if you dont know the bands. Seems fun though if you have good company. Thanks @evooba. I will get back if I need more clarifications/details :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: If you had all your music compilation played one after another (one song to be played only once), how long do you think would your music last?

Yeap, just like that. Though if you really want to see a band so badly, you stay put in front of the stage they’re playing lol. I haven’t been to one (well, at least to one that works this way) but it’s definitely exhausting.

A: My iTunes say 57,3 days.

Q: Which albums are you excited about this year?

Obviously LP’s. I’m looking forward to Exhale by TFK and I hope Skillet release their new album this year.

Q: A band you want more albums/ music from?

A1: Dystopia, by Megadeth; The Astonishing, by Dream Theatre; and this whole lot.
I have already heard Ghostlights, by Avantasia.

A2: Slipknot, Slash & the Conspirators and LP (But they must follow THP with something like Meteora)

Q: Best song to play while you are driving or are enjoying a long drive.

Seriously, so many amazingly epic artists are releasing new albums this year I’m honestly freaking out. Especially cause some of those are gonna be extra sweet.

Yes, this year is gonna be great! Acres, Hotel Books, LP, Gojira, Kings At Heart, Perspectives, mojapołowa and so muuuch more!

A: One song for a long drive would get annoying eventually. Except if it were Gerson Main’s “Schatje Je Stinkt”, I can listen to that song all day long.

Q: Ever eaten something that smelled really bad but turned out to taste really good?

A; I have but it was long time ago, don’t even remember what it was.

Q: The opposite of @Gatsie’s question (Ever eaten something that smelled heavenly but tasted awful?)

A: Umm…… Lemongrass?

Q: How you attempted to eat some food decoration that you thought was edible, but wasn’t?

A: Yeah, on my 5th birthday. I was disappointed I couldn’t eat the car on the cake.

Q: Dark or light room?

A: Dark

Q: Why is it that everytime when I visit, this page appears instead?

A/Q: Was it supposed to be something else?

A: Yes, I used’s save page now, and its bots managed to save it from the live web like this:

My question still stands:

(Edit: Wait, @EvoOba, are you accessing this forum from your workplace? I just forgot you cannot see the pictures at your workplace)

A: Im pretty sure Ted stopped using that website a long long time ago, that’s why it’s dead.

Q: Doesn’t it annoy you that some radio stations (well, most of them by now) are available to listen to only in the countries they’re based at?

@samuel_the_leader It’s Saturday, no work :wink:

Oh sorry. Because your reaction was like you couldn’t see what was going on. Ok nvm, when my mother was still working, she had to work half-day on Saturday in the office.

A: Yes, although nowadays there is some internet radio.

Q: Does you TV provider have Nat Geo Music? (Not that you watch it anyway)

Not that I know of

I’m outta qs

A/Q: How often you´ve written this in this theat here? lol @the_termin8r1, seems a bit like the Pepsi/Coke Q, so count on!
We b oth have forgotten the 3000th posts, hmmm what´s up with us???@the_termi8tr1
Edit cause forgotten


A/Q: count on what?

ot wow, where do they do THIS? That´s USA for sure…

A/Q how often @the_termin8r1 said: running out of Q´s in this threat…