Can you touch your shoulders?

OT: May I know what ur looking for?

A some nice gifs of LP
Q Wanna know what I got?

A: I know you weren’t specifically looking for a particular gif, so that doesn’t count.

Q: OK so go and search for “linkin park eating mcdonalds”. Can you find pics/gifs of them eating McDonalds?

I can show you these:

Q I want you to find gifs, where they are outraging

Gonna have a look, from now …9:59am
Edit 10:05

A: Ok, I’ll start search now.

Q: Is that really McDonalds? After how many pages do you find it?

(Edit: What you mean by outraging???)

A: Dunno but seemed so…
Q: six minutes is to undertake

ot freak or flip out, that´s an easy one…

Ugh I already search for linkin park making fans angry :frowning:

A nice also
Q What about this

OK is this flipping out enough?

A yes, sure but a lil movement won´t be bad
Q You see that we only need 89 more posts to get the 3000?!

A/Q: Yes, but don’t we keep running out of questions?

A me? no never thought about it and if I ask about tearssacks…
Q You are running out @samuel_the_leader ?

A/Q: Running out of what? Time? Life? What?

A Questions my dear, we are on the questions topic…
Q What are you running out of right at this moment?

Patience for tech, money, [quote=“samuel_the_leader, post:2915, topic:10339”]
Time? Life?

holiday time, questions.

Q: Mug or A&W? (Both are root beers)

I’ve never tried root beer so I’ll go for the one that most would go for

Q: Fanta or Tango?

A: I hate both, but if you made me choose, that Fanta.

Q: Do you know that Fanta was actually created in Nazi Germany?

Yes, they didn’t want to buy Coke because it was American

Q: Fav Fanta flavour?