Can you touch your shoulders?

Good thing it didn’t hit them. those things weigh a lot and can do damage. However, since it didn’t hit the person I would have laughed too. Even if I were in your position.

Doing nothing lol

Q: @EvoOba how did your employer react to the projector manslaughter?

Good thing indeed. Well, I was laughing later too, the scene was hilarious just thinking about it.

A: He never found out… And he never will lol.

Q: Something stupid you’ve done in public as well?

I walked into a post box with an umbrella (I was pretending it was a shotgun as a kid) and then proceeded to apologize to it thinking I’d walked into somebody with a red coat or umbrella.

Then there was then time when I flipped a shopping trolley onto myself like a cage because I was swinging on the handlebars and there was nothing in the trolley to compensate for my weight.

I also got myself stuck in one of those shop turnstiles because I’d gone around too far and the thing pinned me to the railing as it couldn’t twist back.

There’s a lot more that I’ve done as a kid but the list would be too long. :laughing:

Q: Which part of your childhood do you remember best?

A: The worst parts are what I remember best. :sob:
The bullying, being blamed, the reprimands…

Q: How often does your computer:

(Uploads are very slow…)

Same here man, all I remember are funny injuries and every time I’ve been in trouble. Very little in the way of nice stuff :confused:

I just had to clean a browser hijacker off my laptop

Q: Last time something bad happened to your PC? (@samuel_the_leader you don’t need to answer…obviously)

Been there, done that! I’ve also walked right onto a pole in the street cause a friend was talking to me and I didn’t see it and just hugged it and banged my head on it pretty hard. It was hilarious!

A: A few weeks ago when my laptop died (but it was expected so, no big deal).

Q: What did you eat for lunch/dinner today?

[ot my everydays work…Edit: @evooba…forgotten first time lol]
A nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiing I´m hungry
Q fastest snack you know?

A: At my eating pace, anything is a fast snack lol

Q: Has anyone other than @EvoOba been computer-less recently?

I can relate to your situation @EvoOba my laptop entered full retard mode today. First Chrome started playing up opening ads randomly on every 3rd site I opened.

I ran several anti viruses which all picked up nothing, then one of them wanted to restart so I let it, but the restart triggered an update (which I’d been postponing for several days) and now my laptop has been caught in the infamous restart loop except I have a worse version as I can’t even get to my desktop to fix it. This just shows what an shocking pile of utterly retarded shit windows 10 is.

I’ve tried a bunch of things (I’ve been at it since about 4h ago).

It’s now 22:15 here and I’m gonna deal with it tomorrow. Until then I’m on my mum’s ancient laptop which is running an Intel Core duo and is louder than one of Chaz’s screams.

OT: I finally got this [below] warning to pop up again lol. I haven’t seen it since I started posting in this thread. I was going to post a pic but it kept jamming at 100%

Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 28% of the replies here.

Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?

Why? Love Windows 10 so far, they’re great!

haven´t dated up till now, but at least I have to, to stay up to date…@the_termin8r1, everything good up to your probs? I´ve mentioned this “Stopp posting” shit in another topic food thread…so I wish you are online in good ol mood very soon,

What’s the question?

Q: Do you have foreign currency lying around?

There’s this, the laptop waking up on it’s own and various other niggles. My laptop has been driving me slowly insane since I went to 10.


Q: What would be most annoying to you out of the following?
-Your computer regularly waking you up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason

  • Your game console freezing on a regular basis whilst you are playing (if you don’t have one pretend you do for the sake of the Q).

A: [quote=“the_termin8r1, post:2793, topic:10339”]
Your computer regularly waking you up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason

Q: Do you believe in unicorns?

:unamused: No, I don’t

Q: How much you do hate tech?

A: Proportional to how much the tech hates me.

Not in the literal sense; do you have foreign currency leftover from trips overseas?

I didn’t mean my answer literally lol.

So not at all?

Not that I know of at least.

(Forgot about my question.)

Q: Have you been to the United States?

A: No

Q: Anyone been to Switzerland?