Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Maybe when I was little, remembered seeing the Swiss flag up in the mountains.

Q: Have you been to Glasgow, Scotland? My cousin went to study there for part of her university years, so we visited her twice there.

A: No, I’ve only been to Wales

Q: How many countries have you been to?

A: Hm… Poland (it’s obvious because I live here), France (Paris), England (London), Czech Republic (I was on the Poland/Czech border line), Germany (Heide Park near Hamburg and a little bit behind border with Poland) and Sweden (Karlskrona <3)

Q: Have you ever heard LOATR or WID remixes by Mike? I haven’t heard that LOATR one and I’m listening WID right now, because I got MTM Tour Edition today.

A: The lotar is good I hate the wid

Q: your second fav band?

A: So much bands to mention here. I’ll go with Acres and Phedora as a very very close third. But maybe Provenance… Maybe mojapołowa… Too hard to choose one.

Q: Band you don’t like but you used to like some time ago?


Q: you?

A: Green Day? Maroon 5 *sheepish look*

Q: Worst CD rip-off you actually spent your money on?

A: Recharged

Q: The opposite of @samuel_the_leader 's Q

A/Q: Best CD rip-off? As in, you thought it was going to be a rip-off but wasn’t?

As in a rip-off that was worth it. I know that’s an oxymoron but I mean a CD that was over priced, was good but still over priced.

The Hunting Party. I’m buying CDs for 20-35PLN, sometimes for 40-50 PLN, but The Hunting Party was for 65 PLN.
20-35 PLN - $5-$7,5
40-50 PLN - ~$10-$12,5
65 PLN - ~$17


Q: The last CD you bought?

I think it was Nine Lashes - Worlds we view

Q: what are you doing atm?

A: Reading this.

Q: Worst DVD rip-off you actually spent your money on?

No clue, i haven’t bought a dvd in ages and I don’t remember any prices

Q: you? (I’m running low on Qs today lol)

A: Haven’t bought any DVDs so, can’t really say.

Q: Do you own a cd that’s not playable anymore?


(For some reason I bothered to scan this, and it took a long time to scan - I also had to compress it to under the 3MB limit)

The DVD disk is apparently see through:

(For some reason this photograph was extra huge - I also had to compress this photograph to under the 3MB limit)

A: Didn’t I mentioned about the scratched CD before?

Q: @EvoOba, worst thing you bought from iTunes (I know @the_termin8r1 doesn’t use anything Apple-related)?

Α: Hmmm… tough one! I bought an app by accident once but I think the worst was buying a ringtone and the app crashing while it was downloading. When I opened it again, I had been charged but the ringtone was nowhere to be found.

Q: Any apps you’re really into right now? (anything from games to useful apps, both from google store and iTunes).

Sigh… Did you know you could view your past purchases, so if you lost something, you could simply redownload?

A: Well, I got some free apps from the Amazon Appstore. What was it called?: Amazon Underground: Appstore for Android

Yeah yeah, bad thing was my device was old so it refused to cooperate.

Hmm… an amazon app! I spend a lot of time on both Amazon and eBay but never really downloaded the apps. Maybe I should.

I’ve run out of questions…

Q: Speaking of losing downloads, have some songs mysteriously disappeared from your phone/laptop for no apparent reason?
#####(Eg: A few months ago, half of the FMM Exclusives that was downloaded from the LPA somehow went missing from my laptop) (Lately the song Piece By Piece By Kelly Clarkson disappeared from my phone) Yes both can be redownloaded, but leaves worry over the state of the devices.