Can you touch your shoulders?

Oh? Didn’t realize it’s a holy night.

A: 14 days then?

Q: Can you tell how bored I am at work today?

A can imagine, with really nothing to do, or sm boring stuff, can´t you search for anything or mb ask even today, when it is nothing to do, if you can leave earlier “only for today”…

Q Shall I dink another cup of coffee? Body talks to me “I´m really off”!

A: Go ahead and drink another cup of coffee.

Q: Should I drink coffee or tea?

A: Coffee

Q: Amazon or eBay?

A: Amazon

Q: Your worst purchase online? (Eg: on Amazon/eBay etc)

A ebay, nothing was delivered…

Q would it mind, if I´m away for 2 hours? You have time to come online than later this day?

A: Already away for an hour, another hour won’t hurt.

Q: Are you hungry already?

How come?

A: Yes, though I had my pre-lunch snack 2 hours ago.

Q: Least favorite color?

ot @samuel_the_leader hey man, here I am, it was two hours I swear cya at the food threat:smiley:

Q: Has anyone realized the new Download to Donate has been released?

What is this?:no_mouth:

You don’t know? Ow my head!

A: I just got home and was about to check iTunes and see if it was out. Sweet!

Q: TFK also released a new song today, for free too. Ain’t that cool?

EDIT: The song sucks.

oh sorry, that I didn´t know the Download for donate by MFR, I must be a complete idiot…

@samuel_the_leader lol

OT: I’ve a headache now

A: no q
Q shall I call 911???lol

A/Q: Isn’t 911 only for America? In Europe it’s 112.

A/Q I still don´t know where are yu from! :sunglasses: but as I find you writing here, it seems, that you´re not dying…the heart beats on

A: I thought you already know, somewhere in Europe, so many clues already.

Q: What time at night do you usually take a bath/shower?

A at night never, if it is a usual day, my showertime is btw 9-10 in the morning, depends on what time I´ve to be at work

Q: You?