Can you touch your shoulders?

We’ll find out at the end of the month…

Becoming a

Q: How much worse is life getting?

A as worse as YOU let it be in your own lil world, the rest, the planet etc. is done

Q What can You/Me do today to make the world a lil bit better?

A: You can start with the smallest of things, most important is being human.

Q: Favorite font to use in Word?

Whatever is on default. I think it’s calibri body or something.

A: If you celebrate xmas do you get a real tree?

A: No, in fact for the past several years, Xmas wasn’t celebrated at own residences in the first place.

Q: Is your family thinking of celebrating Xmas differently this year? I overheard something about a barbecue this year, unsure how it’ll work out.

A: Not sure, but my mom decorated yesterday which is pretty odd considering she hasn’t in many years. I don’t fancy Christmas to be honest, or any other “big” celebration.

Q: About the real Christmas tree thing, I always wondered why people buy one every year. Why not buy a fake, plastic whatever and keep it for years (and save the environment)?

Because the real one smells nice and fresh. Your whole living room ends up smelling of pine. They also look better and more natural. The fake ones look too perfect.

Q: Could you navigate your entire house in pitch black without hitting anything?

A: Yes.

Q: When was the last time you did something good for someone else?

A: Pretty much everyday in college when I help quite literally the entire class with all kinds of work. So that’d put the last time as Fri in the afternoon.

Q: Where did/do you sit in class (as in front, back,middle, etc…)?

Α: In school, I always liked the last desk next to the window but since our seats were assigned by our teachers, I always ended up somewhere in the middle. In uni, I always sat up front, simply because the classrooms were huge and you couldn’t see anything if you sat from the 3rd row and back.

Q: Have you ever cheated in any exams?

A: No, not in real ones at least.

Q: Coursework or exams?

A: Glad I’m passed that.

Q: What’s the most horrible christmas song you’ve ever heard?

A: All of them

Q: Who else has a massive and irrational hatred towards any ‘A Christmas carol’ film?

A: Can’t remember what it’s about & don’t wanna remember.

Q: Thoughts about:

A: Not a fan of carols but for some reason this video makes them seem like the family they are even more.

Q: Are Christmas, Easter or whatever an excuse to go away on vacations for a few days?

A: More or less, but my family doesn’t have the money to go abroad on every single occasion.

Q: Your most recent regret?

A: No time to go anywhere within a day or two

(Shit forgot what was my qns)

A: Regret? hmmm… not meeting with a few people after I was asked to a few days ago.

Q: Ok so, let me rephrase my previous q :stuck_out_tongue: Are those occasions an excuse to visit family?

A Yes they are, if you need some excuses for it…

Q Nobody with me loving the time arround christmas, even for get out of the spinning wheel? I do everything a lil slower these days and search the contact to ppl, I haven´t seen a long time

A/Q: What exactly is ur qns?