Can you touch your shoulders?

BTw! I added you as a friend :blush:

No clue, because they’re fine for me.

Q: Have you ever tripped up, started stumbling to try not to fall over, stumbled for far too long and though “Nah, I’m gonna keep going forever so I might as well end it” and then thrown yourself on the ground?

I remember a PE lesson in high school once. I think it was basket ball when I was walking backwards when I tripped and started stumbling backwards (the playground was on a slope and it didn’t help that I was stumbling down hill). I had stumbled for a solid 4m and it wasn’t ending so I just threw myself onto the ground to end it. I ended up sliding 1m on my back.

Lucky! Mine are hectic, especially today.

A: Yes! I was running to catch the bus once and it happened to me. Today I also fell off my office chair. Hadn’t noticed how far back it was from my desk and when I went to actually sit down I found myself on the floor. Luckily, no witnesses.

Q: Stupidest exercise you had to do at PE?

Running outside in -3^oC wearing nothing but a short sleeved shirt and knee long shorts.

Q: Speaking of falling over, have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs and if so roughly how many did you drop(I bet it can’t beat me :laughing: )?

i dont even know how many were there, i fell from the top, flew through the door, somehow jumped over the room that had no floor and hit the floor :smiley:

Is it stormy in there?

Ok, that’s miles worse than me. I fell the full 13 steps in my house a couple of times and have fallen a few less on many more occasions. Mainly because I try to get down as fast as possible

Q: Why is this site so slow suddenly?

A: No idea. Couldn’t be on much today cause I was caught up at work and then had stuff to do right after.

Q: Ever gotten a massage of some sort, or spa treatment? If so, what was it like? If not, would you want to try it?

A: Ummm I’m having severe constipation pains right now… not sure if a massage can fix it.

Q: Which is worse, constipation or diarrhea?

Diarrhea is the worst thing in this world.

Do you have pets, show us your pet :slight_smile:

A: Nope

Q: Do you air guitar/drum/whatever?

Yes, a lot, everyday :joy:

Q: Are you a day dreamer?

A: no

Q: & you?

A: No, only as a last resort

Q: Do people think you are older or younger than you are when they first meet you?

A for god´s sake younger
Q you?

A: Unfortunately, they always think I’m way younger than my age. It sucks so much.

Q: Anyone else find Christmas music annoying and childish? (Someone in the neighbor’s been playing some all morning and I’m about to murder them!)

A: Yes. Fortunately my neighbors don’t do that.

Q: Is this less annoying?

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A for warming up their voices ok, but…
Q what do you do on christmas evening/day (evening 24. in Germany, 25th as I know in Italy, when does it is celebrated in your country?)

A: [quote=“samuel_the_leader, post:2180, topic:10339”]
We receive our presents on Xmas eve and wait until midnight to open them on Xmas day.

Q: How Christian-oriented is your celebration of Christmas?

A we knew about and we believe, but x-mass most important is the food and my daughters present…and we go to church at 16:00h :sunglasses:
Q you got general vacation (free days) in your country?

A/Q: You mean besides the whatever “leave” employees can take anytime during the year?