Can you touch your shoulders?

An intolerance for pop culture and general stupidity

Q: Do you have any allergies?

A: Surprisingly, I don’t.

Q: Do you?

A: Other than made up joke ones, no.

Q: How many times have you truly lost your temper?

A: You’ll need to ask all the people I lost temper with & add up the results to get the total.

Q: Is there a better alternative to a Windows or Apple computer?

A: There’s nothing better than an Apple computer. Even Microsoft’s so called state of the art new notebook/tablet is not as good.

Q: 3D printers: The future or another new tech that’s not worth it?

A: They take hours to print, and it’s hard to get the materials for this kind of printer to print.

Q: Any other tech that didn’t make it? I know that SACD & DVD-Audio flopped because of internet piracy. Several years ago my family had an 20 bit Enhanced CD, but an incompatible CD player scratched it such that it became completely useless.

Isn’t that kinda like a mini milling machine but for soft materials like foam?

I think 3D printing is gonna be huge. Just think of how many transplants will be done (some have already) and how many lives will be saved.

A: Hmmm, vinyl players died a long time ago but now they’re popular again and people want to buy them (vintage pieces too) like crazy.

Q: Actual books or e-readers?

A: Actual books. I’m more like to finish reading physical books than e-books.

Q: Which year did you or your family bought the most number of DVDs? For me it was 2007 (before the economic crisis of 2008)

A: No clue

Q: How self-conscious are you?

A: Very, and I should probably chill some lol.

Q: How much do you hate it when people ask you to describe yourself?

A: A fair bit. Which is very annoying because I have a uni interview next month :confused:

Q: Interview or exam?

A: Exam

Q: One 3 hour exam, or two 1.5 hour exams?

A: 1 long one

Q: Worst grade you ever got in school? (not just exams but on any marked piece of work).

A: less than 50% :blush:

Q: Approx. how much do you spend on music each year?

I remember in the last year of high school we had an end of unit test (the unit was radioactive materials - physics). The whole class flopped monumentally. The highest grade that somebody got was a C, I got a D everyone else got worse than me. The grades went from A (best-an A* wasn’t available) - G (worst) and U (un-markable). :laughing:

I don’t know. I only recently (3y tops) started taking my music seriously (buying and collecting CDs) so I can only give a rough value:

If it is assumed that the average price of a CD is £10 (obviously some are more others less)
I have legitimately bought 49
If a pack of 25 blanks (which is how I usually buy them, in 25s) costs: £6 full price
That makes: 24p /cd
I’ve got 41 burned CDs

That makes: £9.84 for burned CDs and £490 for legit ones
Total: £499.84 = £500

However, I def know that I’ve spent over £500 on legit ones alone (I know because I calculated it about half a year ago). So if I estimate that I’ve actually spent around £600 on legit ones that means that the actual total is £610

Which makes: £203.33 per year for the past 3 years.

That’s the closest estimation I can make.

Q: How reckless are you?

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A: nearly 0
Q Some rituals ab christmas, you set your own? Me for example trying to meat with people these three 1/2 week till christmas sharing more or even time with them, ya know, we´ll drink a coffee together lol, now taking coffee instead of talking about, anybody undestanding?

yes, every year when i see my bank account i cry a little.

Name 3 things about your country that are famous

A: I’m in England, so pretty much everything as the rest of the world sees it for some reason…

Q: Is this possibly the biggest idiot of all time?

Α: Haha, yes!!

Q: Why are Fridays so crazy and stressful?