Can you touch your shoulders?

Not sure if the q is for everyone or just Robert but anyways:

A: Depends on what kind of risks we’re talking. I’m definitely more willing to take more now though than when I was a kid.

Q: Short or long charging cables? (I find sort ones freaking annoying at times)

I’m not sure you understood my question. I was asking which one year of your life would you want to live in over and over again forever. If you did understand, then your reply was rather dark (even by my standards).

Leave me on my own to do anything I want (money no object) and I’d probably be dead within the hour doing something stupid. So yes, I’d say I have risky behaviour (not that I’ve had the chance to use it properly). The result of over protective parents I guess. But I should mention ‘risky’ doesn’t include drugs (that’s plain idiotic) nor intentional suicide. I’d most likely die of self manslaughter (if such a thing exists).


Depends what it’s for. For a phone I’m fine with anything that’s 1m or longer; for my laptop I’d want 1.5m+

Q: How do you think you will die?

A: I’ve had nightmares as a child of dying in a war…


1 Like

A: “Eva is a story that repeats”

Q: Built in closet or regular closet/drawers?

A1 to @Gatsie WoW “Patrizia is a woman like no other. She’s wonderfully warm, amazingly funny, incredibly beautiful, tremendously intelligent, incomparably caring and adorable .” [ot ice game btw, where have you lurker found that? Are you back for longer this time? On the forums? :strawberry:love to find ya post…:heart_eyes:
A2 to @Evooba the modern ones, look more pretty, think the´re built in, eva, watta questtion lol
Q. hard shaped toilet paper or soft one?

A/Q: Am I supposed to click on one of the links or should something come up on the main page?

A: soft

Q: Dream car?
Q @EvoOba Yours?

McLaren F1 (any version) I can waffle on forever with justification.

@The_early_walker A Hamann 6 series :grimacing: Isn’t a regular one enough?

A: I want the Shiroko (blue black color as seen in the photo). It’s closer to reality anyways.

Otherwise, this:

Q: Anyone else scared of motorcycles? (any kind)

A: Scared, no. But they are complete death traps.

If I wanted something more realistic I’d go for a Lotus Elise. The R8 used to be a cool car until some very irritating bafoons bought one. However, it has been saved by it’s latest incarnation.

Q: Why the sudden talk about cars. And @EvoOba Why the R8? (I’m just curious)

A: I don’t know :stuck_out_tongue: I just like cars! Cause it reminds me of the Gallardo but is cheaper (lame reason, I know).

Q: Today’s junk piece of information is… ?

Talk about learning something new every day.

Mechanically they are similar. They even share the same engine. But if it’s your dream car wouldn’t you ignore price?

Q: So what’s your view on Ferrari then?

A: I like them a lot. They’re too overrated though so I highly doubt it’d buy one if I had the money. In general, I prefer exotic cars over muscle cars (with the exception of a few Dodges).

Can’t think of a q…

I hate them a lot

Q: On a scale of 1 to 10 how interested are you in cars as whole (as cars but as pieces of engineering as well)?

A: I’d say a 7 or 8.

Q: Are you doing Black Friday and/or cyber Monday?

A: My parents are but I’m not usually because it’s only nonsensical junk that’s on sale or if there’s something I’m interested in it’s usually only got a slight price drop.

Q: Has anyone else noticed that the favicon has vanished for this site?

A: no (=>
Q: whats a favicon (fav icon?)

A: The tiny image that you get on the side of the tab and on your book marks

Notice that the LP sign is missing from the start of the tab

Q: Why is the forum so slow lately?

A: Dunno, lots of people are locked out though cause they can’t log in.

Q: Weekend plans?