Can you touch your shoulders?

A: I don’t plan

Q: Xmas plans?

A relaxed

Q why are so many ppl logged out of forums?

Probably the LPU transition. I was wondering why it was so empty.

Q: How do we know everyone’s been locked out and that they’re not just avoiding this place for whatever reason?

A: Jordan told me on twitter he accidentally logged out from his phone so he can’t access the forums. The rest I don’t know.

Q: Dark chocolate with oranges or lemons?

A: I’ve never had lemon choc but I prefer milk with oranges

Q: Have you ever been go karting, if so what’s your view on it?

A: Yeah, once. Kind of. I didn’t get to do anything though. They had a boys only policy. -.-

Q: Something you really want to get or do but is crazy expensive?

A: McLaren F1, SR71 Blackbird, an AA gun for all the bloody helicopters that fly over my house.

Q: Something that you really want to do but still haven’t?

A: Probably meeting my friend who lives 300km away and I know him for over a year

Q: Your favorite website?

A: Don’t have one

Q: Last tedious thing you had to do?

A: Go to work yesterday I guess.

Q: Aren’t snow globes the lamest gifts people get?

A: Not if you let me give you one. I’d make yours exciting by draining the fluid, filling it with water and then putting a piece of caesium in a water soluble capsule inside.

When the capsule dissolves the caesium will immediately react with the water and it will explode in a spectacular fashion. The perfect thing to throw at the person who gave you a regular snow globe or something else you don’t like :laughing:

Go to 2:47

Q: Second worst present somebody can get you?

A: anti-aging-cream, this I buy on MY own…
Q: Jordan is out even?

A: Yes, he is.

Q: Stuff you do when home alone (that you normally wouldn’t do)? I, for example, listen to music extremely loud and play guitar with my amp up to 11 (11 is the highest setting and it’s LOUD, I usually have it on 2 when I’m indoors).

There’ nothing interesting to do in my house so I go into full retard mode and just play on my ps3 non stop. My longest stint in one go is about 5 or so hours.

Q: Do you eat out of the Nutella jar?

Used to play Sims for as many hours lol

A: Yes! Only, I don’t like Nutella (too nut-y for me) but we have something similar

Q: Current song you’re addicted to?

A: FM strange things. I love the beat. Though I can’t stop beat boxing the drums from ten thousand fists by Disturbed

Q: Worst video game you’ve played?

A: That thing where you play football with remote cars? Not sure how it’s called.

Q: Spicy, sweet or salty crackers?

A depends, mostly spicy
Q is first Advent in greek, too? You celebrate in any way?

A/Q: What’s that? Dunno if they celebrate it or not.

A Every sunday before the 24.12. Christmas day, you light a candle, at least when the fourth candle is burning jesus arrives (thats the history) it´s kind of ritual celebrating nowerdays whatever, mb shopping, kids here get a bundle of gifts, from the first of december to 24th, nowerdays its only profiteering, but I´m a believer, I try to have as much joy as possible in these days, take time, meeting friends walk on these[6840].jpg
markets, this year I´m on the hunt for earrings,
Q: You get my point? [cause of my F-grade english :joy:]