Can you touch your shoulders?

Thank you for asking :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Reminds me of that day at the gym:

I’m sure it’s highly inaccurate:

(Screenshoted the video as obviously I couldn’t have taken a clear photograph while running very fast)

This was a number of your heart rate or the one that the machine calculated???
Pushing too far and too hard if it doen’t lead to an injure,it will lead to a burn down…so one step at the time…

The one on the threadmill.

Oh ok…it will probably be off…but don’t push it too far :slight_smile: there is always the next day to run more :slight_smile:

Is radio signal in your area bad? For like half of the radio stations here, I have to stick it out the window to get a decent signal instead of incomprehensible static.

Ow my left leg is cramped up now.

Rest your feet over a pillow for a while…

Wow, this is the first time in a while this thread has gotten so many replies within a day. 29 notifications you guys!

What’s up? Lol

Not actually. I just got some sets of exercises. That channel is bright side . 10 mins a day one.

Not so bad. But works

Hii :relaxed: . For me here nothing. I opened forums last night cause the wifi had some technical problems the whole day.

What about you…?

Α: Getting ready to slowly head out and go to the venue.

Q: How’s the weather?

A: Quite nice:

Q: Why am I sick and tired of clear blue skies?

1 Like

Because the sky is so blue as the ocean opens up to swallow you
Q: why do I love walking under rain without any umbrellas?

1 Like

A: Because, why not?

Q: When was the last time it rained in your area?

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A: 2 or 3 days ago, don’t remember.

Q: What do you hate the most about using public transport?

Cellings, lintels, handrails… seats in buses
Q: what’s your favorite LPU demo?

1 Like


Fav lpu album?

LPU 12
Fav clothes ?


Favourite time of the day?

Favorite time of the day is the time when I get to waste it on whatever :stuck_out_tongue:

A new drink you’ve come to enjoy that you didn’t like before?