Can you touch your shoulders?

ever…at least, as you remember…

A: 8am to 3pm.

c´mon share @xTirea :smile: I will tell mine after…maybe…:sunglasses:

A: Dressing up (almost) as Mike.

Hybrid between the two Mike shirts :slight_smile:

Q: Worst thing to wake up to?

[ot hi @samuel_the leader! omg 1) what is this kind of baby animal? hope you´re sheltering it???
omg 2) is this you with Mike on the pic? omg 3) it´s really nearly the same shirt]
A: my daughter walking around with her i phone high volume on, walking through saturday mornings at 8:30h I will sleep out at weekends!
Q. Your plans for today?

  1. It’s a lizard!!! No comment on what happened to it.
  2. The first pic is me no doubt, that’s all.
  3. Yes it is

A: I was outside just now; you’ll see the pictures in When And Where

Q: What happened to Mike?

ot @samuel_the_leader oh god, is that an actual pic? Have to go on research at first…goose bumps…

OT: so any lead on what happened?

no! just twittered, if sth had happened, where you got found the pic? Is there nothing written too?@samuel_the_leader

Nothing wrong with that. I do it all the time (and I’m a girl).

A: That is such an old photo. He went down to the crowd and people were a bit too rough.

Q: I just got home and haven’t had lunch yet (I probably won’t) but I’m hungry. What did you guys eat today?

1 Like

spaghetti leftovers, and junk food in the form of cookies an biscuits

Q: If you had several teams and each team had a leader and you then got all the leaders and put them into one team, who would be the leader of the team of leaders?

[ot thank you for that information @evooba, I thought the whole day ab it!]
A depends on the personal idendities and charackters but might be
Q on what depend it, if you trust a person or not?

Nothing, I trust nobody

as I said before
A I think it depends on the personalities and the characters of the leaders team, if they get over subjektive issues and buildt a team, they gonna get big in whatever they do

Q Why you don´t trust anybody (the answer: cause I´m a terminater don´t fit, cause you´re no longer a teerminator, untill your system runs at normal capacity releasing the avast virus word LOVE::::

oops, must have missed it.

I’ve been crossed, lied to too many times. Worst of all is that people do it for little things and if they do it for little things do I dare trust them with big things?

Don’t have a Q

Shall I set one for you, Rob? @the_termin8r1?
Edit: So I do
Q: Hey man, what´s up? I think you´re doubble surving in various chatrooms, or it´s dinner time! lol:flushed:

A: There are indeed two different chatrooms here, the forums and the exclusive chi-chat room between @The_early_walker and @samuel_the_leader.

Q: Why aren’t you replying my near-private message, @The_early_walker?

[ot hey @samuel_the_leader sry, didn´t thought hat needs a replie, but yes we´re surving in two diferent spaces, but for me it´s ok, no prob, so my answer appears soon…]
A: At your service, sir
Q What´re you eating for dinner (food again…)

A: It’s take out night so don’t know yet, depends on what we’re craving at the time.

Q: Least favorite drink? (anything from water to alcoholic beverages and juices and smoothies, etc)

ot So I drank a nice mochito last time, I was out…
a very good starter for a party night, cause it fits to all after and it´s tasty and waking upper…perfect starter
Q What are you plans tonight?