Lol you got spammed :joy:

So there is another one? Too much WA group? Lol they should make the real legal one then :grin: must be fun

I think there are a lot of them. @framos1792 and I are in the same one. And… I’ll just say you will find (very often) over 350 messages in an hour. So in a very active day I guess you can find almost 800 messages :thinking:

How many members were there? More than 100?

Jajaja no. Like 10 or so. Our residential Batman can give you the exact number. But don’t worry, we only need three persons to let the chaos falls on WA jajaja

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10?? With 800 messages? Wtf lol

Nobody will beat @NickGr and I, that day is now forever known as “The Incident.” We broke WA, we broke people’s phones and we broke people’s PCs in the group we’re in. Unfortunately we stopped letting people into that chat some 2 or so years ago because it gets very private and there’s a certain level of trust. It’s actually been fairly dead the past few weeks.


Ahh so we got suspect here lol hold them responsible for your broken phones :laughing:

There are no suspects, myself and Nick did it. LMAO

Confession! :clap:

Confession would imply we were trying to hide it.

You’re not…??? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Read the posts I quote before lol.

Im too lazy to read between the lines hahahah

@evooba was pissed as hell LMAO


I can tell… receiving 800 messages per hour :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No, not 800/h. Just over 4300 in ~30 mins. :joy:

Crazy lol
I remember i have a very active wa group, once we had this 2000ish messages per hour and one of the members was kicked out automatically by system :joy: idk how it went like that, it just did lol funny as hell

We’re a very active chat after all jajaja

And no one wants to do that :joy:
I remember that day. I was on the job and my phone didn’t stop showing up the nots from WA. When I came back home I wanted to read and I tap the wrong button. I asked a summary and basically Rob told me he and Nick were the ones who did all the chaos.

That was an epic day for all the spammers Jaja

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Y’all, that was insaneeeeeeeeeeeeee!


I think I could do worse these days. I can just program a macro into my mouse to spam a full stop every 1 ms or so and then just set the button to latch. All I need to do is press it once and I can walk away and it will go on until I come back to stop it. :joy: