I can tell… receiving 800 messages per hour :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No, not 800/h. Just over 4300 in ~30 mins. :joy:

Crazy lol
I remember i have a very active wa group, once we had this 2000ish messages per hour and one of the members was kicked out automatically by system :joy: idk how it went like that, it just did lol funny as hell

We’re a very active chat after all jajaja

And no one wants to do that :joy:
I remember that day. I was on the job and my phone didn’t stop showing up the nots from WA. When I came back home I wanted to read and I tap the wrong button. I asked a summary and basically Rob told me he and Nick were the ones who did all the chaos.

That was an epic day for all the spammers Jaja

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Y’all, that was insaneeeeeeeeeeeeee!


I think I could do worse these days. I can just program a macro into my mouse to spam a full stop every 1 ms or so and then just set the button to latch. All I need to do is press it once and I can walk away and it will go on until I come back to stop it. :joy:

Then why are you waiting? Make the whole new WA group to accomplish your mission lol

lol, when was this made? :joy:

It’s not fun that way.

Why not? :smile:

The whole point of spamming is to annoy everone in the chat, why would I make a brand new empty one when I’m already in one?

I meant you make a new WA group with the whole new members so you can operate your whole new mission :

:rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :v: