A good topic for the holidays but I don’t want to go to Munich and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Travelling __________

Traveling to the beach :beach_umbrella: is the day sunshine and sunshine in my life and I will always be happy :smiley:

Open the door to ________

Open the door to strangers and then I can play if you need anything let me know :blush::kissing_heart::heart:

Strangers ___________

Strangers said you had to get to work and I have a lot of time and stuff for y’all and then we will always have to do some chores around here so we will be able to make a good time with y’all so I don’t have any idea how much to work tomorrow and…
This was opening a floodgate myside- hbu??

Strangers ______

Strangers in my life with my father and grandmother is not working for me either way but I don’t know what to do with my father and grandmother and I will be very grateful for your help and support :pray: :heart:

Either way ___________

Either way it’s a nice :+1:t2: day for a while back and I have to work until now I’m going on the road again and I have no time now soon as y’all have time for us maybe you could come and stay here and stay with me tonight (uuuuups :blush:) /

Mhh- my uuups interrupted the autocomplete :sweat_smile::rofl::upside_down_face:


Interrupted you earlier but didn’t mean to call you sorry for the interruption in the shower now :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Shower _________

Shower now too late to get me out of the shower oh well :pensive: should you get me to do something that would work best with me if I have to leave now?

And then you______

And then you could please send me help with the family for the rest of the year :pray::heart::blush:

The year just began __________

The year just began to be a good idea :bulb: is the day you call me and then I can send the help out to you and help you with your family and life and you will always remember that everything is going to be done :white_check_mark:

The time is right ________

The time is right now but will be back on Monday for work :frowning:

Work ________

Work is good for me to get to know it myself lol :joy: is a way to make a break from the inside and relax now together and we can do it together

Working for a life___

Working for a life of misery :unamused::expressionless::roll_eyes:

Misery ____________

Misery loves to go to see you guys again and the next time I will come to get you out of this house :house_with_garden:

Lies greed misery _______

Lies greed misery to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow night :night_with_stars::zzz::kissing_heart:

Burning eyes __________

Burning eyes :eyes: was the last night I wanna play it all day again

And the only ____

And the only way to get my father and grandmother passed away is that from you soon thank you so much for your help and support :pray: :heart:

(I wonder what the only way from you to make them is… :thinking::thinking::thinking:)

Wondering ____________

Lol - I’ll do vodoo?!

Wondering if you could do a good job with me and then we go far away and then we will have the rest there for sure

Buy a one way ticket ______

Lol still remember our forum story with gatsie

Buy a one way ticket to go to Munich now and will get the money to you :grin::blush::+1:

The autocomplete always ___________

Lol yeah :joy::joy: the story with the
Ouija board- once upon a time… and Amytrish wrote with us at the start… good ol’days

The autocomplete always makes you wanna go to the beach with a good friend and a good day with you

I am the ________