A little laughter never hurts

Maybe muggles are primitive creatures and wizards are living in the future. :crazy_face:

Yes, wizards would win this fight for sure! They can stop cartridges and make it goes against the one who sent it with spells, they can teleport themselves, and use potions if needed.

Wizards are the best :grin:


Why not utilise it? Wizards are the most conflicting cavemen ever. They have figured out how to print moving .GIFs with sound, but still use owls to deliver mail. They use quills and ink and their collective knowledge is still stored on paper.

Eminem wouldn’t be able to spit two syllables before a bullet went through his head.

I don’t remember wizards ever inventing something like the internet, or getting to space, or landing on the moon.

I can prove to you, mathematically, that no matter how good the wizard (unless they can see the future), they stand no chance against a good shot.

There’s a lot of variation in bullet speed, but let’s assume the average speed of a 9mm is about 366 m/s (~1318 km/h) [Source: 9mm Ballistics Chart | Ballistics 101]. If I’m in a stand-off with a wizard at a 10m distance, it would give them ~27.32 ms to react. That’s 27.32 ms to realise I’ve pulled the trigger, to think of a spell, say the spell and then move their arm to cast.

To put that into perspective, a human blink is between 100ms and 400ms (let’s say 250ms for simplicity) [source: Blinking - Wikipedia], that’s about 9 times slower. By the time the wizard has even blinked, they’d have an entire pistol magazine in their head if I was a perfect shot.

Even at range, if you heard a sniper shot, it means it wasn’t meant for you. You’d be dead long before the sound of the shot even got close to you.


:joy: :joy: :rofl: started to watch The Big Bang Theory. In some ways, this convo is a perfect match :laughing:


That’s suggesting the person shots the wizard immediately upon seeing them.

Why would you wait around to get hit with a spell? Lol

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I’m just saying I doubt some dude with a gun will just pull up and start blasting. If it’s an old style western duel and they’ll count off until they shoot each other I concede the gun will win. But if it’s a legit 1v1 between a wizard and a guy with a gun I’ll still take the wizard. They just have so much more at their disposal. Seems to me you’d have to be a lousy wizard to lose that one. Something like a ron weasley.

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“A good shot” is not an average thing. A sniper like act should be compared with a high level wizard. I haven’t read HP and am not very aware of the world, but I think wizards have resistance to wounds etc. Also, they do all this stuff with time and physics manipulation which may bring things to their advantage. The magic would also provide safety (like creating a shield) from attacks but a gun won’t. I am unaware of anything like silver bullet etc for wizards. Or witches.

This conversation reminded me of a joke about X-men.
Wolverine: I will fight Magneto.
Others: Don’t. Your bones are made of metals.
Wolverine fights Magneto. Magneto beats him to a pulp.
Wolverine: Ah, my bones!!


Yeah but the best wizards don’t need to say the spell, just thinking of it while moving their arm is enough to cast it.

Maybe but they have lots of things that muggles don’t have. So how can we know which one is primitive? I mean teleportation is something muggles can’t do, it’s not primitive at all. And with it, wizards could go on the moon instantly that’s why maybe they didn’t went on it because it’s meaningless for them.
They also don’t need to clean their home because magic could help us doing it without using ressources like electricity so the planet is less polluted. :grin:




One would hope that in a battle, you’d send more than one-eyed Cletus from Texas. Not to mention, you don’t have to be particularly accurate to shred someone with an automatic or blow their chest open with a shotgun. When my dad was young and did sports shooting, he regularly hit 50mm bullseyes from at least 30m away.

Also, wizards only have a single, explicit, way to kill and most of them are too terrified to even try it.

Only the really skilled ones and for small things. Even ol’ Baldy-locks himself can’t kill anything without saying something.

It’s something wizards can’t do very well either as they risk ripping themselves in half every time they do it. Not to mention there’s clearly something wrong with the system otherwise they’d use it en masse for everything. Why else do they use steam trains, boats and horse-drawn carriages?

Electricity is useful for a hell of a lot more than just cleaning. Like I said previously, their most advanced form of communication is pen and paper quill and parchment delivered by owl. If I wanted to send @NickGr a “Hey how are you?” I’d have to wait at least 72h to get a response if Nick was in Moscow and assuming that the owl flew at top speed the entire time, both ways, without ever slowing down or stopping. They don’t have telegraphs, telephones, email or any other form of communicaiton.

Again, as I said before, the entirety of their knowledge is stored on paper. They deal solely in physical currency, currency which you can only get from one bank in at least the whole of London, because ATMs don’t exist. Currency which still takes the form of huge gold coins you have to lug around because they haven’t figured out that you can print it on paper or use bank cards. There’s no online banking either…obviously.

Ok, so maybe in CQC specifically, we’d be more evenly matched, but in terms of their development as a spcies, they’re far behind.


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I still think that Wizards are the best and nobody will change my mind about it because the power of magic is that it can’t always be explained with scientific facts. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy:

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Doesn’t mean they’re not primitive though, they even still have slavery. :joy:


Like some muggles :crazy_face:




Am I the only one who can’t stand that “song”?


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Whatever the hell 8 is. :joy:

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