A little laughter never hurts

Ah. Well actual coding isn’t done in binary, you use various coding languages which all eventually trace back to ASM (Assembly) which is then translated to binary.

In terms of reading binary it’s very simple, much like reading decimal. In decimal we go from 0 to 9 (10 digits) before we move onto the next place value. So we have our 1s, 10s, 100s and so on. Each place value is 10 times the last because decimal is base 10.

Take the number 1234, here you have 4 ones, 3 tens, 2 hundreds and 1 thousand. Thus, 1234 = (1x1000) + (2x100) + (3x10) + (4x1). Using the same logic, the number 502 = (5x100) + (0x10) + (2x1).

Binary works in exactly the same way, except it is base 2, so it only goes between 0 and 1 before going to the next place value. With decimal the place values were 10 times the one before it, but because binary is only base 2, each place value is twice the one before it. So in binary, place values go up in 2s. So it will be 1, 2, 4, 8,16… This is why the ‘kilo’ prefix of 1000 isn’t actually 1000, it’s 1024 in binary. If you keep counting up in binary place values, you’ll see that you get to 1024 and not 1000. So a gigabyte is actually 1024 megabytes. This means that the number 10101 (starting from left to right) is (1x16) + (0x8) + (1x4) + (0x2) + (1x1) = 16+4+1 = 21. How these translate into words though is beyond me.

Binary is more annoying for humans to work with because it is less compact than decimal, but is far easier when dealing with computers. A lot of that is down to the fact that hardware would have to distinguish between 10 different voltage levels as opposed to 2. Now you might think that it’s easy to distinguish between say 3V and 5V, but in a CPU you’re not dealing with V, you’re dealing with mV. Getting a CPU to distinguish between 0.05mV and 0.055mV is a total pain.

Hopefully that wasn’t too complex to understand.


Yeeeah that got away from me by the first paragraph :joy::joy:
It’s sunday morning brooooo :neutral_face:

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This is the most I can simplify it.

In decimal (base 10), place values multiply by 10 every time you go up a place vlaue. In binary they multiply by two when you go up (because base 2). In decimal you have 10 digits, in binary you have 2. So for binary you have to go to the next place value a lot more frequently. Otherwise reading and writing in binary works in exactly the same way. Computers use binary because it’s easier to implement.




:joy::joy::joy: some guys can be so thick headed :joy:

Speaking of priest, I told this one in group,
What do you call a movie that features a battle between an illegal alien(illegal immigrant in the US) and a priest?

[spoiler]Alien vs Predator :grimacing:[/spoiler]


What do you call a Greek cyborg?

[spoiler]Prostheseus :joy:[/spoiler]

I’ll show myself out…


@the_termin8r @chigokurosaki :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: straight up my solutions at times :joy:

image image image image image image image image

Duct tape! Git-r-duuuuun!

I’ve done the switch for the lights before :joy:


The drill one is a legit solution. Way better than any mixer and has a wider range of use.


I’m just writing my monthly shepherding column about the following joke, edited with my own experiences :joy:



That’s me, yesterday…




You have to open the second one.








The lunatic squad(?) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Rebel af …:sweat_smile:



From today:
A German food scandal: smurf content in smurf ice cream often under 20 percent

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Lmao I knew I had to come back and see this more clearly :rofl:
I only glanced at it before :joy:
The problem is they only use the limbs (~39% of the full smurf if you consider burn percentages on a body :crazy_face: ) but then that drops 50% because of the dilution with the dairy product :roll_eyes:
If you go with the organic high quality ice cream then it goes up to about 35% so consider that when you next want a scoop of smurf :joy::joy::joy:

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There’s a “ghosts” thread rolling around that I’ve held back from replying to for a fair amount of time, once again 🧘🏻‍♂ :joy:
Anyway it did remind me of this story of a friend of my dad’s years ago…

They worked interior homes with my uncle while my dad worked exterior… the guys inside were talking about serious stuff and my dad decided to spook the guy so he put his hand through a vent and would grab the guy’s shoulder gently then pull away…
this went on through the day and got to the point that the dude was freaking out :joy:
They forgot to clear it up and tell him it had been a joke… years later during a church service (when we used to be part of church) they were testifying about supernatural experiences
This guy went up there and started testifying to the whole church how he had been touched by something and that he had felt cold and idk what else :rofl: my dad was dying in the crowd and my uncle ended up going up to tell him on the spot how they had been goofing off with him-the guy’s face was priceless :rofl: he had to endure the whole church cracking up with him teasing him
He went on to say how it had bothered him for years :rofl: