7th studio album announced

Recharged had much more wrong than the EDM. I’m not an EDM fan, but just saying

[ot fangirl? just a joke for today? or one of further categories? ? Derek at a “fangirl” meber status, lol
lol huahaha, what does it mean, formular as Leader known @Derek?

Noticed I could change my title to whatever I choose.


lol how cool is that? cause of your leaders badge? I laughed so hard, cause we in germany uses it for max 16 years and totally crazy, kinda boygroup fans…
so I think, that could be you, have a nice day lol

Think it’s just because Moderator rights.

as you said the other day, but i like this kinda humor lol
that´s the way I knew abusing powers, I´m the lil red rat under the big white one´s foot…

OT: Are you describing what ur boss is doing to you?

[ot mb not only him???!!! Hi @samuel_the_leader good morning, how it goes? Have to leave fast today, busy and countdown to whatever is running, mb cya this later ev?] :sunglasses:

Any updates on the album?

Nah, it’s still too early.

Only 2-3 months now until a single, hopefully.

@EvoOba Evo? Anything new?

Mike said yesterday they’re in the early stages still. Chester’s writing a lot of emotional stuff and lots of their tracks are just piano and acoustic guitar at this point. He says they’re all just melodies and scattered vocals though, nothing solid or “ready” yet. Oh and they’re ytying a different approach; lyrics and then music based on them (they did it the other way around in the previous albums). He said they’re looking at a release in the second half of the year but nothing is official.

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I wonder how differently this new approach will affect things. Emotional stuff… That’s good to hear, I’m ready for a lot of emotional stuff from them again. Not just anger, but things deeper than that of course.

I’m also happy to hear that Chester writes material for the band and doesn’t just lend his voice. That’s great to hear. I wonder if this album will be rock and whatnot.


We’ll see I guess… we have a long road ahead of us. Mike said he’ll do more livestreams to keep us updated. He did mention that he, Chester and Brad are the ones spending the most time in the studio as of now.

I’m good with emotional stuff. I love emotional music


Same, nothing like a song with lyrics coming from the heart. It’s the reason why I love songs like HHH, In Between, Roads Untraveled, The Messenger etc so much!


It’s the reason why I love melodic hardcore :slight_smile:

Yupp! Those are definitely some of the best “from the heart” songs they’ve got!

I feel that Drawbar would have been a very interesting little track if it had vocals, similar to Fallout. Not exactly a SONG, but more of a message. Would’ve been more of a “rising from the ashes / fire inside reigniting” type of track had it contained vocals.

True… it didn’t work out though so they did the instrumental. Better than nothing lol

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