"You need to" game

when you are on this forum, you clear have to be an LP fan!

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To be a LP fan, you’ve got to hear one of their songs on the radio
To hear it on the radio, you’ve got to listen to a good radio station

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To find a good radio station you need to go back in time about 2 decades or so.

To go back in time you’ll need time machine or… Black magic
To learn black magic,you’ve got to write the circles properly
To draw the circles you need to study geometry

To study Geometrie you should like abstract thinking at last! If you like to think abstract- you sure like to explain the Big Bang Theorie !

To think abstractly you need to be less logical about things.

to be less logical about things, you must sink up ya intelligence level :joy:
( mostly roomtemprature level fits haha (aka: 19-28 % intelligence level and it flows with the abstract thinking Dude! :stuck_out_tongue: )

To sink up your intelligence level, you need to go to old boring school

To go to old boring school you need legs

To need legs, you need to be born.

And to be born you need parents who will feed you, thus you have food…finally.

Who’s next?

To need parents, they have to be born

I go, as the topicstarter:)
I need to fly to the outer space

Wait, what do you mean?

@the_termin8r said that it’s finished. Check the OP:)

You need big ass firework and some gaffer tape.

To find some good fireworks I need to know a Chinese guy that makes some

To do that you have to go to the Chinatown in your area.

And then you need to set the entire store with fireworks in Chinatown in fire

so, I go to the local Chinatown
Use tape to enlarge my rocket(sounds… )
Set it on fire
And I’m in outer space! Thanks, soldiers!)
So… who will be the next if we set this as done?)