"You need to" game

I need food

To have a food, you need to cook something

For cooking something, you have to have a recipe!

To have a recipe you’ve got to ask @yolo5494

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In order to ask @yolo5494, you need to help her bypass her parents in order to access the forums.


For that you need to hire me as a kidnapper :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoever would have though that needing food requires kidnapping people? lol


like that?))

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but we need money to hire you… hmm
i think we can ask @jFar920 to re-programm you, so there wouldn’t be any money needed

Wait, you’re kidnapping her or her parents?

I don’t take money, only interesting experiences.

Whichever is more convenient. Let’s go with her, less collateral.


if you collaborate with sunshiny @yolo5494 - then I sure will support this project :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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so, we need to make you one… what if we send you to space for some time? lol

That’ll do, to send me to space you just need a massive rocket. Doesn’t have to be anything sophisticated, just gaffer tape me to the side.

hmmm… to find a rocket we have to make our way to the spaceport…
or an attack on the pyrotechnic store should be fine

instead of going to a spaceport, we just need to pull a rocket into his b…

:joy: that should work fine then

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Shhhh… don’t scare him away!

the man who uses gaffer tape is not to scare… hahaha :smiley:

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I’m a robot, I don’t have one.

To be able to put a rocket in the robot’s butt, you need to give him an artificial bunghole.

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