I need food
To have a food, you need to cook something
For cooking something, you have to have a recipe!
To have a recipe you’ve got to ask @yolo5494
In order to ask @yolo5494, you need to help her bypass her parents in order to access the forums.
For that you need to hire me as a kidnapper
Whoever would have though that needing food requires kidnapping people? lol
like that?))
but we need money to hire you… hmm
i think we can ask @jFar920 to re-programm you, so there wouldn’t be any money needed
Wait, you’re kidnapping her or her parents?
I don’t take money, only interesting experiences.
Whichever is more convenient. Let’s go with her, less collateral.
if you collaborate with sunshiny @yolo5494 - then I sure will support this project
so, we need to make you one… what if we send you to space for some time? lol
That’ll do, to send me to space you just need a massive rocket. Doesn’t have to be anything sophisticated, just gaffer tape me to the side.
hmmm… to find a rocket we have to make our way to the spaceport…
or an attack on the pyrotechnic store should be fine
instead of going to a spaceport, we just need to pull a rocket into his b…
that should work fine then
Shhhh… don’t scare him away!
the man who uses gaffer tape is not to scare… hahaha
I’m a robot, I don’t have one.
To be able to put a rocket in the robot’s butt, you need to give him an artificial bunghole.