Yes or No v.?

No, but I would like doing it. U_U

Did you were in the RS chat today?


Have A Favorite Drink?


Have a favorite car?

you were suppose to say what your favorite drink was xD.

Yes, Chevrolet.

Have a favorite word?

[quote=Kameiko]you were suppose to say what your favorite drink was xD.

Yes, Chevrolet.

Have a favorite word?[/quote]


Have a favourite band ?[biggrin]?

Linkin Park i guess :slight_smile:

Are you longer than 2 years in the LPU?

Nope 2 years for me.

Do you have a favorite hobby?

Yes, reading :slight_smile:

Are you hungry?

[quote=Pricamolesi]Yes, reading :slight_smile:

Are you hungry?

No I’ve just eaten :slight_smile:

Do you live in Europe?


do you have brothers and sisters?

yes a sister :slight_smile:

Are you a LP collector?

yes :3

have you even been attackedbykillerantswhiletryingtowalkaroundananthillbutthenyoufellonitandtheyattacked?

[quote=intheend]yes :3

have you even been attackedbykillerantswhiletryingtowalkaroundananthillbutthenyoufellonitandtheyattacked?

No (did you?)

Did you ever fall out of your bed during you slept?

I fell out of my crib as a baby trying to climb out of it. Other than that, not that I recall

Do you follow sports?


Do you live in Germany?


Do you like where you live?


do you watch cartoons? like spongebob square pants

When I feel like watching TV and there’s nothing else on, yeah. Classics are better though, like Flintstones, Jetsons, Looney Tunes, Pink Panther etc

Anything exciting happening this week?


You like pizza?


do you like jalapeños?