Yes or No v.?

Its 7:24am in germany and i am awake -.- the point is - Its my free day

are you going to the house of Blues Show in LA?

No, I live on the east coast.

Going to a concert soon (that’s not lp)?

yes, Evanescence in Hamburg

Pink t-shirts?

[quote=Daniela]yes, Evanescence in Hamburg

Pink t-shirts?[/quote]


Can you sing?

I think everyone can sing, to some extent, I just don’t

Are you bored?

[quote=LP13413]I think everyone can sing, to some extent, I just don’t

Are you bored?[/quote]

LPfeat.Jay-Z is on so no

Water with gas or without gas?

[quote=Flosi]LPfeat.Jay-Z is on so no

Water with gas or without gas?[/quote]

Without gas >_<

Swimming: the sea or a pool?


Have you already watched “The Avengers?”

no but i want to see it!!

will u go see cabin in the woods?

Oh no no nooooo.

Are you going to see The Hobbit?

[quote=quietbutriots]Oh no no nooooo.

Are you going to see The Hobbit?[/quote]

I’m abig Lord Of The Rings fan so I think yes

Are you following the NBA Playoffs?


Will you be seeing The Avengers this weekend like me?

Yes when it is out on DVD I’ll buy it

Your shirt you’re wearing right now. Is it red?

YES! And pink.

Do you have any tattoo or piercing?

Yes three…don’t regret just want to maul them off my arms though.

Do you have a pet peeve?

Not really

Are you picky?

With food yes

Do you play an instrument?


do u have blackout instrumental


Favorite Food?


Favorite Food? [/quote]


Are you doing music?