Yes or No v.?

Specialized ones

well at school they put the most intelligent ones in a class and the most silly one in another we have 2 classes of intelligent & 2 classes of silly
do you like this way of streaming?

Mm… what do you mean by “streaming”?

put the most intelligent ones in a class and the most silly one in another

Well, it’s interesting , but I’ve never heard of that…

that’s what we do in my school
and i’m in the 2nd class of intelligent

do you like school?

yes education rules lol :stuck_out_tongue:

hi guys, you feel good?

hi yes
and you? showertime?

no,friday free day…some more time! :smiley:

anything intresstin happened toyou lately?

(btw i love the story of once upon a tale it wowed me)
and you?

Nope. Not to me.

Do you like watching UFC?

I prefer WWE!

If I offer you a beer, which would be your answer?

  • Yes, please.
  • Yes.



Are you allergic to anything?

No not that I know of

Did you start your holiday shopping ?

Not even close.

Are you traveling for the holidays?

I might just go so far as Sacramento just 4 hours away from San francisco

Where are you spending your holidays?

No, I’ll be home.

Have you ever seen snow?

Yes… every damn year :frowning:

you like snow?

I do, yes.

Do you?

not on the road… but in the mountains

you like snowboarding?