Yes or No v.?

Do you play computer games?

and you?

Yes (my Steam list of games consists of 110 games, lol)
Have you ever been to England?

no (i’ve never traveled in other countries but i’ll surely do so one day)
do you like action films?

Well, if it’s a good one, yes
And you ?

yes same here
do you like to play football?

And you?

somewhat so
do you work?

I’m studing now

Have any teacher ever told you that he can’t understand your writings?

yes many times indeed
do you have a good handwriting?

Do you feel dumb sometimes?

lol mine is worst
and you?

Many times

Is it cold now there(and what’s the temperature)?

no about 27 degree celcius
and at at your place?

+2, snow with rain
Do you like chemistry?

yes but the thing is that most of the time i don’t understand a sh-t there
and you?

Organic reactions (hate those, a lot of info to remember )
Do you like your government?

well… i don’t know…
and you?

I don’t
Do you have profiled classes in your school ?

what do you mean by profile classes?