Yes or No v.?

No, I still haven’t had lunch, yes, at 18:22

Are you hungry?


Are you craving something specific to eat?

beef steak

Can you feel free today?

I guess

Do you enjoy barbeques?

I do. I actually just had barbecue chicken tonight.

Are you vertically challenged?

Depends on people’s perceptions. My parents think that I’m tall, but I frequently walk past people that are at least ½ to 1 head taller than me.

Do you ever peep into the upstairs of people’s houses while they invite you over?

No, also I tend not to get invited anywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you nosy?

No, but other people are. My house is so small, everyone can pretty much see everything.

Do you have very little privacy?

no, as much as I need…
are you busy right now?

no :stuck_out_tongue: not anymore, I was working until now, but that’s finally over.

do you like liquorice?


Do you like gummy bears?

Who doesn’t?

Do you loathe something for absolutely no reason at all?

no, not without reason

will you take a piece of apple pie?


Do you know where to easily find liquorice?

Yes, go to a shop :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you remember the last time you got humiliated in public?

yes a kid oat work tries to beat me …no respect, like loosing my authority…

are you relaxex at the moment? :relieved:

But if they don’t sell

No, stomach still hurting.

Any sweet cravings now?


is it hot over there?:sunny:

Not really, except the bathroom:

Are you sneezing a lot today? (Cuz I am)

no, not too much

have you done your grocery shopping today?