Yes or No v.?

no idea

Do you like it when people take pictures of you and put them on social media?

def NO

you got at least a lil sun on ya nose today?

Yes, I will go fetch some now.

How about you?

YES I walked in Flip-Flops yesterday, everybody was looking at me and then shaking head

did you sleeped well?

Yes. I had to get up at 5:30 am but it was okay

Do you speak other languages than english?

Yes, I’m Dutch and I learned German and French in school. But Meine Deutsch ist nicht güt & Je non parle Francais :slight_smile: I am also learning Indonsian at the moment.

Do you enjoy the outdoors?

Yeah it’s alright until you are chased by bees D;

Can you go one day without being on the Internet?

Yes, Bulgarian

Yes, so long as you give me something interesting to do.

Do you watch 11.22.63 ?

no, what is it @least a movie @the_termin8r1 comee out of…meditation, pl, Mr. Machine Man

No, I don’t know what that is

Are you looking forward to buying any new video games?

@The_early_walker @intheend

11.22.63 is a mini series (8 eps). About this English teacher (James Franco) who goes through some kind of time portal that always takes him to the same place at the exact same time in 1960 and he has to prevent JFK’s assassination. It was originally the teacher’s friend’s mission but the past gave him cancer and he died (there’s this theory in the film where if you screw with the past, the past screws with you). Also, he can travel through the portal as much as he likes but everything gets reset every time he goes back. And every time he’s gone (regardless if it’s 10 secs or 10 years) only 2 mins pass in the present.

I can’t say too much with revealing everything. and for once James Franco isn’t playing an annoying prat or a hipster.

That kind of reminds me of the movie: The Time Machine.

I think I’ve watched it but I can remember what it was about. Was it about the guy who gets mugged with his girlfriend and she end up getting shot and killed and no matter what he does she always dies on that day in some way. Was it that one?


Can you believe it’s not butter?

No, it’s margarine :joy:

Can you believe it, it’s not sunny?

Yes, the moon’s out now.

Are you surrounded by stupid people?

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YES YES how are you knowing?

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Cuz he’s @LP13413

@The_early_walker speaking about knowing, are you still spying on me with drones? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes - Sure can’t you see the DRONES?:flushed:

Yes, there are more airplanes/helicopters lately.

@The_early_walker Did you find out what your husband was up to lately?