Yes or No v.?


Do you know where to easily find liquorice?

Yes, go to a shop :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you remember the last time you got humiliated in public?

yes a kid oat work tries to beat me …no respect, like loosing my authority…

are you relaxex at the moment? :relieved:

But if they don’t sell

No, stomach still hurting.

Any sweet cravings now?


is it hot over there?:sunny:

Not really, except the bathroom:

Are you sneezing a lot today? (Cuz I am)

no, not too much

have you done your grocery shopping today?

No, I haven’t even leave the house yet today.

But you did went grocery shopping just now?

no I am inhouse-shift today

are you as lazy as me today?

No, I just came back

Did you nap just now?

I just did

was it a sunny day?


Did it rain your side?

no it is crazy hot

you like some ice cold coca-cola?

Yes, who doesn’t.

Are many of the shops in your area closing down? :cry: For my side, they are. :sob:

yes…only big shops like tacco, h&m and multinacional companies overcome - really sad…

is the sky blue above you?

No, still cloudy.

When you open the windows, do you feel a large gust of hot air enter?

yes but the house is almost as hot inside as the air outside is

you have got a ventilator?

Yes, depending on your definition. I remembered that my grandmother’s house, her toilet the ventilator broke down, so the smell lingers. :mask:

Do you realise that in winter, ppl flock indoors to escape the cold, but in summer, they also flock indoors to escape the heat?

Not over here they don’t. Chavs go out in flit flops in the cold and then everybody flocks outside in the heat and then idiots with heat strokes and skin cancer pile up in the A&E. Take a look at Primrose Hill in the summer over here. It’s right next to the London Zoo Aviary.!/image/2652773545.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/2652773545.jpg

I’ve seen it twice as crowded as this :confused:

Do you like summer?


do you like the ocean?