Would you rather...?

You are KILLING me. LP won’t be the same with any of them leaving.
BUT I’d go for Mike if he only did it to pursue a solo carreer, otherwise Chester.

Would you rather have x-ray vision or magnified hearing?

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magnified hearing

WYR be one year out of mobile connections in a dessert elsewhere or not see your family and best friends for a year but have WiFi?

iKR? I can’t date a 6 year old :laughing:

I’m fine with either so that would be dependent on my mood.

WYR: would you rather be shot by a large caliber bullet made of solid diamond or a small caliber bullet made of regular lead?

if I die anyways I´m fine with either, so it depend on my mood ( me today a lil provocating, lol but sure you face it…@the_termin8r1 lol)
WYR be provocated or provocate others?


Would you rather get eaten by a megalodon or a Argentavis

WYR give up or gamble on? lol @intheend

No comment.

You would rather go to Hawaii or Jamaica


WYR: Sky dive or deep sea dive?

Sky dive

WYR: Wear a red tutu and a black with red mask OR just a hat and a tie with 11 inch heels?

OT: That’s something I imagine Chester would do lol.

Red tutu and mask

WUR: eat 10 gallons of yogurt or 10 gallons of pudding

Yog if it was plain.

WYR: Have your heart ripped out through your mouth or arse? (You’ll be alive for either procedure)

WUR: be in a room with a spider crab or a camel spider

Plain yogurt is the most disgusting thing ever

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WYR die or never join forums no morre?

Spider crab, I think. Sounds less menacing

Probably never join the forums again. I like you guys, but I’m not sure it’s worth death. Either way, you’d technically never join the forums again

Would you rather: Have to always walk/run backwards or have your vision mirrored?

wyr never eat sugaar again or no more music in live?
ot you? @tripleXero

You need sugar to live and it is found in just about everything you eat so I’ll go for no more live shows, not that I’ve been to any.

WYR: Bribe or blackmail somebody?

Blackfhdgffddef I am bribe…

WUR: listen to let it go forever or I love you on Barney?

WYR get a massage with cream or with sand?