Would you rather...?

This, at least I’d die happy.

Eat insencts in from of a thousand persons or walk nude to your work/school for the next 5 years?

This doesn’t count, you have to choose. Otherwise what would be the fun of the game?

The first one

WYR know how to stop time or breath into water?

:thinking: both are interesting.

Stop time, I could breath under water without any problem :smile:

WYR use the same studip word to talk the rest of your life (kinda of I’m batman, but with a stupid word like Plu :upside_down_face:) or dance nake in from of your parents?

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We got a new superhero @framos1792

:joy: :joy: :joy:
any resemblance to real events and/or real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental
I guess the second one, how can I speak with only one word?

WYR free fall in sky without parachute or swim in the ocean without any lifesaver

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I would take the free fall in sky without parachute, but you have to push me out of the plane. I would probably not dare to jump even with a parachute.
But swimming in the Ozean without anything around me? No way! I have tsunami nightmares my hole live.

Would you rather seem conceited and cocky or showing your true insecure self?

seem conceited and cocky

Melting in a nuclear explosion or drowning in the sea

So conceited :face_with_raised_eyebrow::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nuclear explosión, give it to me fast and painless :joy: then my ashes can fall into the sea lol

Burn or freeze?


Shot or stabbed?


Wyr stop brushing teeth or never ever bath or shower again?


Wyr sleep or stay awake in years?


WYR get punched in the face once by Mike Tyson for every vowel in every word you say or be struck by lightning for every 10 times you inhale?

Mike Tyson. I’ll pronounce only consonants.

WHR have a pink car or with a car with a tiger pattern?

Pink is tough :triumph:

WYR lose your eyesight or your legs?

Lose my eyesight…I already have astigmatism and am nearsighted…vision is horrible without my glasses.

WYR eat potatoes for a year or become a potato?

Eat potatoes for a year

WYR die quickly with no pain, surrounded by no one or die surrounded by your friends and family but with big suffering

The first one

YouTube has it’s own version of the Instagram Stories, so it comes from there:


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I’ll go for Master Of Puppets

WYR sleep outside in street or sleep inside but all the day long

I’m more active during the night anways so…

WYR try climb Everest completely naked and with no equipment or try to swim to the bottom of the Marian trench with the same conditions?

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Doesn’t matter. Both mean suicide. :laughing:

WYR think of the next WYR case or go for the acronym game now?

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What is the acronym game?

EDIT: wow it seems nice, but I’ll go with the next WYR because the one of @georkost is too difficult for a beginner like me

WYR find the cure for cancer or set peace in the world