Would you rather...?


Sleeping or playing

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Playing to win or to participate?

To participate

Saturday or Sunday


Allstar or sneakers?

Sneakers (but honestly, I prefer work boots) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

European Football AKA Soccer or Rugby?

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Work boots are more comfortable for me

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Would you rather:


I prefer Rugby. I like the physicality of it. It is what soccer and American football fail to be kind of lol. Favorite team is the Australian Wallabies team. I went to a match when I had liberty in Sydney on my way home from my first deployment, back in 2005. It was awesome.

As to the taste buds on your butt hole or poop through your mouth… Why would anyone even suggest that lol. I am not a Jellyfish. :stuck_out_tongue: I am not even sure how to respond to that :crazy_face:

Umm…let’s go for the second one.

WYR burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter every time you get hit by direct sunlight or sneeze a minimum of 10 times every time someone says your name?

The first one without any doubt !

Would you rather be able to read all the books ever written or to listen to all the music ever played ?

Hard! I wan both!!!

Ok… books.

Would you ever live on coldest dessert or hottest dessert

Coldest, no question

WYR have your best friend know how and when you die but they can’t tell you or do anything about it or would you know about their death with the same catch?

Them to know about my death

Would you rather listen to justin bieber sing live in your living room for 3 hours straight or get thrown in the lions den at the zoo?

Lions den

Would you rather listen to I will survive or sweet Caroline on repeat?

I will survive

Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invincible?

Ability to fly :joy:
Meeting you guys without any passport or visa! :joy:

being a wolf or being an eagle

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Well, I’ve seen footage of a wolf get snatched by an eagle. So I’m going for eagle.

Wyr get hit by a train or drown in thick golden syrup?

I don’t know :joy: okay… if i could swim out of thick golden syrup… I’d choose that

That’s the point, you can’t, it’s a very slow and unpleasant death. At least it will taste nice.