Would you rather...?

So @gatsie, this was the monkey butt you showed @discobot?

Hi! I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start new user

Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana

So a crack head or a person with a severe nut allergy?

Crack head please.


Go for the rest of your life being able to only communicate through morse code (i.e. you make beeping noises like an insane person) or binary (i.e. you can only say “zero” and “one” to communicate)?

I’ll be bleeping all the way.

Yes, I showed discobot the butt. It appears he liked it because he even decided to reply to this thread. How nice.

Which would you rather be able to do?


Fly. I remember one of the very first posts I saw in the LP app was of Chester defying gravity, whereby they commented that one of his superpowers would definitely be flying.

Ok an extremely simple one: WYR hug an extremely sweaty Mike or an extremely sweaty Chester? @gatsie :stuck_out_tongue:

Argh!'okay… Chester

Play in rain or sit at home?

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Play in rain

Would you rather hear Mike singing despacito for a year or the one linkin park song you don’t like forever?

Nooooo just no despacito
I can hear LP song that I dont like

Punch a person or cat fights if he/she is annoying

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Hear a horrible song or someone yell right beside you?

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Someone yell right beside you (as long as I knew it was going to happen)

Be pinched constantly for 5 minutes or be tickled for a whole hour? (if you’re not ticklish then pretend)

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You’d rather get a hug or a kiss from a family member?

A hug

you have a lot of work but you can’t do it now as you are out

so check forums or pinterest?

Pinterest (I have planned so many things :slight_smile: ).

Would you rarher have a pro photoshoot or take blurry pictures because you’re laughing ,with your friends?

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i got notifs… the journals right?:wink:

pro potoshopped


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Blurry (check discord)

Would you rather be able to heal someones pain of absorb the pain from many?

sorry no connection in phone… it wont work now.
will chat tonight… its been days :slight_smile:

heal someones

you ?


Would you rather see a scary movie or read a scary story?

(I will wait )

read a scary story… i cant see! :joy: my imagination will make story less scary!

horror or comedy?

A comedy starring Brad Delson

Would you rather have endless money or endless love?

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endless love… giving and recieving from y’all :hugs:

hiding pain to inspire other or letting it out transparent completely?