Would you rather...?

The 90s. (Dunno why @The_early_walker)

WYR live in the year 1900 or year 2100?


[lol because I liv[f?]e right now the fourth of this era…lol, so whyshould I decide, saw Guns´n Roses, as Metallica [the 90´s were too tough for concerts…:upside_down:] and right now have the chance and see or saw the rest…lol, :stuck_out_tongue: ]

drink a bottle of water [1l] in one go or 1l beer?

A bottle of water

Be able to heal wounds very fast or be able to heal illness?

Heal illness

WYR: Be the fastest runner and walk extremely slowly, or be able to walk at normal speed and run extremely slowly?

I already walk really quickly and run relatively slowly.
But i’d stick with what I’ve got

WYR: Get a deodorant burn with the deodorant being used as a flame thrower or from ultra close range application?

Used a a flame thrower… I guess

Would you rather
Live in the desert or in the jungle?


Listen to you favourite song everyday for the rest of your life or no be able to listen to it ever

Rather listen to it never again

Have an own cook or an own chauffeur?

Own cook, I have no qualms in taking public transport

Ok my turn

Would you rather lose a leg or the arm you use to write?

arm lol, moving is moa important [omo]

try again to cook a very special soup to enjoy
go with KFC instead [delivered…] lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Cook a soup :blush:

Wyr be able to control minds or be invisible?

Control minds

Would you rather be Marvel superhero or D.C superhero?

Before your accident, were you right-handed?


Would you rather be a superhero or just a regular everyday hero?

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I’m the anti hero or the villain, never the hero

Be batman or iron man?


Wyr be Spongebob or Patrick?

Spongy for SURE

WYR be a plug in alternative or THE ONE???

What do you mean by that?

a plug-in
…wiki only has definition for computers, My sense means an addiotion to sth …
a plug-in (or plugin, add-in, addin, add-on, addon, or extension) is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing c

So nothing to do with this song?

(Still stuck in head)

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