Sorry I wasn’t able to stay for the whole thing Rick @rickvanmeijel but my phone starring acting up I so sorry about that
Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you showed up! Plug DJ isn’t the most easy app to handle for phones and neither for computers
Hey Rick I’ve got no likes left. Congratulations for the great success of your first album
That doesn’t surprise me at all Thank you Honey
Welcomed anytime
June 26 2018: Favorite track poll
Now that Reliving has been out for a little while, I’m curious to know what your favorite track is from the EP. I’m setting up this poll because I want to know what style I should work with more often in the future (and because @the_termin8r suggested so at the listening party).
What’s your favorite track from Reliving?
- The Spark
- Fighting the Storms
- Abandoned Roots
- Milky Way
- Anything
0 voters
In case you want to listen again:
In exchange for your vote, you will receive an exclusive early demo of the winning track! Once you have voted, simply sign up to my newsletter here (if you haven’t already). The poll will close next week on July 3rd and I will send the demo of the winning track to all voters the day after. Let the games begin
Lol, you are making us choose now? All of them are really mind blowing man, I wouldn’t know which one is the best.
I like aaall really!! But Milky way stole my heart from first time I listened…
Yessss you must choose! *insert evil laugh
I figured you would go for ‘‘Milky Way’’
Thanks for voting guys!
I’m between 2 of them… I don’t know…
Take your time, you have a week to decide
Nah it’s done!
Thanks for voting!
‘‘The Spark’’ and ‘‘Milky Way’’ are on a tie!
Quick reminder that the poll above will close in two days. If you haven’t voted yet, now’s the chance
Thanx Rick
@theearlywalker broke the tie, which means ‘‘The Spark’’ is the winner! For those who are subscribed to the newsletter, check your email for the demo
Thanks for voting everyone!
Just checked!!
Thank youuuu!!
It’s cool to break a tie