Thanks AJ
You’ve all been so supportive over these months, it’s gonna feel great to share it with you
Thanks AJ
You’ve all been so supportive over these months, it’s gonna feel great to share it with you
Awwww!! so happy to read / hear your uploads!
you’ll become a great musician!
Can’t wait to hear it!
Catched up here rn, so it’s a five songs ep? And it’s a very big step on your way, to now finally share the result of your personal artistic way. And I am so curious about how they will sound in a row and how the final mixing sounds like , any idea when we get it to hear? And, I am curious ( as you know me already
) : Do you already have a title for it?
Loving all of your enthousiasm!
@theearlywalker yes, 5-track EP. Hearing the full thing in this final order was indeed really satisfying for me, because it finally sounds like a complete body of music. Like I mentioned, the announcement is close, so it won’t be long
I’m not giving away the EP title yet, but there is a hint on one of my other channels
April 23 2018: Reliving out June 8
Today I’m beyond excited to announce that my debut EP Reliving will be out on June 8!
(Cover art by twotimesthedime: ArtStation - Leo)
The EP will be available on Bandcamp and each download will include a digital booklet.
In addition, I’m releasing first single ‘’The Spark’’ next Monday! Listen to the preview here:
Shout out to the LPU, LPLive and Stagelight communities for your continued support! I can’t wait to finally share the music with you.
Why so far away?
so happy for you!!!
I was on YouTube when I received the notification. I’m excited for listening to “Reliving”. June 8 is so far away, but I don’t have another option, I will wait.
Because I’ll be busy with school except the week of June 4-10 and I still got some preparation to do.
Thank you so much! I’m happy too!
Awesome, that’s subscriber’s benefits Like I said, it’s a relatively quiet week for me, so that’s why I chose that day. Although ‘‘The Spark’’ won’t be the only track you’ll hear before the EP comes out
I am so so excited for this! So happy for you! I remember you telling me how difficult it was to juggle everything and get this done. Congratulations! The preview sounds great! I can’t wait for June 8th. in the mean time, Good Luck with uni
Yeeessss I also remember, time has gone so fast! I was still mixing the tracks back then. I’m glad you like the preview, the coming weeks can’t go fast enough haha.
Thank you sooo much!
I wish you success in the uni, you deserve the best! And I’ll support you as I can.
Thanks man! really appreciate your words. I support your music too!
Wooow, your post is soo energetic- I really can feel your passion and joy reading this final announcement! You made it man! Big grats for this ep to happen… and if I consider, it happened within the last 8 month- absolutely brave how consequent you worked on this and I have the feel I have seen it growing like a baby though that I finally will be more than happy when it will be born on the 8th May. I know you would have released it earlier if there would be any possibility- but you are such a conscientious artist that you do well on not rushing it now in it’s very last and important stage!
The cover art is very well done - looks fresh and spacy - and now two questions: until now I didn’t received a newsletter with the updates - will there be one? And second: is my second spot on the fanclub list still granted? ! But seriously: amazing job so far and Relieving is sth you can be very proud on already now- looking forward for the first single next Monday
Thank you so much, I enjoyed reading your feedback
That’s exactly how I feel about too. This has been my biggest project yet and it feels so good to finally ‘‘give birth’’ (). Release date is June 8 by the way, but I’m sure you got that
Yes this. I want to do a proper release because this is not just another quick demo.
April 30 2018: ‘’The Spark’’ out now
Finally here it is: the first single off of my upcoming debut EP Reliving. This is ‘’The Spark’’:
I hope you’ll enjoy this track as much as I enjoyed creating it. Feel free to share with your friends and subscribe to the newsletter to get the latest news:
Special thanks to Melanie, EthanStark and @kars3 for your contributions!
Hahaha, posting my feedback before you posted your update here, thanx to sc push up notifs , man- the new song is awesome- flowy and powerful and light and deep sametime… whaaat? Yes- it’s like how I feel it, I love „The Spark“
already and I hear the verses and chorus already! Great job, looking fwd to the release of Reliving
Edit: ok, you were a minute faster
I really like this one!! You’re really great in making music!