Why is Chester wearing eye glasses again?

[quote=Carol]Oh, don’t get me wrong - there is nothing wrong w/glasses and he does wear them well! I’m just curious since he did the Lasik… everyone I know who has had it has has no further problems.
AND he’s not that old! If he’s “old” or even considered as “getting older” - then I’m a relic![/quote]
xD hahaha couldn’t agree more

it means he’s dying

[quote=Catie][quote=Carol]Oh, don’t get me wrong - there is nothing wrong w/glasses and he does wear them well! I’m just curious since he did the Lasik… everyone I know who has had it has has no further problems.
AND he’s not that old! If he’s “old” or even considered as “getting older” - then I’m a relic![/quote]
xD hahaha couldn’t agree more[/quote]

He wears them because he can’t see. End of story :wink:
Like Mike said, he’s fine.

[quote=SinisterNL]it means he’s dying

with or without, he’ s still hot and sexy!!! Anyway the most important is the way of he is singing :slight_smile:

Well said bud

[quote=EvoOba]Cause he has eye problems and a certain age. Like Mike said, stop worrying to much, he’s fine

because he can

Because people made of awesome wear them.*

*Why yes, I do have bad eyesight. :frowning:

Because he looks damn sexy wearing them!! (^_^) (not that he doesn’t normally)