Which Poster?

So I kind of already have my mind made up, but wanted to take a poll of you LPU folks to see what everyone thinks. Which poster from the points store do you like the most, out of the ones below? Please reply with your vote for your favorite one (and maybe 2nd favorite).

1.) Charlotte, NC

2.) Cuyahoga Falls, OH

3.) Tampa, FL

4.) Virginia Beach, VA

Out of those, probably #2 but in general I like the ATS tour one the best. I’m probably gonna get that one when I have enough points!

number 2 and number 4. Looks like I need more points…lol

I think that the firt poster is the best of all

Cuyahoga Falls, OH. :slight_smile:

The first one is amazing!!! The fourth would be a close second

I like poster 4.) and my second one I like is 1.)

No 2 or 3. They look awesome :smiley:

Number 4!

first #1 and then #4

1.) Charlotte, NC is my favorite :slight_smile:

The first one is awesome, but i’m not really digging the last one.

Ok then. ^^
#1: Cuyahoga Falls, OH [which I’m going to buy soon];
#2: Virginia Beach, VA .

Number 3 is my favorite and then number 2 :slight_smile:

Number 4,i like number 3 aswell but it looks like a metric poster.No4 looks kinda twisted,but I like that.goodluck chooseing one![confused]W[smile]

i would go for the first or 2nd one

I like posters 1 and 2

My favorite is #2. My second favorite is #1. :slight_smile: