When and where?

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For some reason there’s a grand piano in one of my lecture halls.

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can you play the piano?

No. It was a maths lecture :stuck_out_tongue: That’s why I brought it up.

It could be used by the music department as well, or for events or something.
Did you happen to see what brand it was?

No, I’ve never gone up to it.

It’s ok. That’s a pretty cool amphitheater btw.

it was designed by a complete idiot who has absolutely no idea of what ergonomics are.

The seats are rock hard and squeaky, some are leveled, others are tilted forward, some tables are too close to you so you have to sit bolt upright or too far away so you have to lean over. The back seats seem more comfy but from there you can’t see or hear jackshit. The best rows I’ve found are 2nd and 3rd. But then you get the painful seats which in theory are identical to the top ones.

I have this theory that they’re deliberately uncomfortable to keep you awake.


You’re good, you don’t wanna know how my amphitheater looked :stuck_out_tongue:

What was it like?

I can’t find photos that are good enough, but this is how the front looks like (yeap, trash and all, it’s always like this):


And this is how the seats are, whatever you can make out of the photo (this is a photo of some old friends so I had to block them out)

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Well, the seats look about as uncomfortable as ours if not actually better than ours because we don’t have proper back rests as for the rest of it it looks like a recycled school gym.

The seats are uncomfortable, it always sucked when we had take exams there, we had to write on our knees (no tables). The overall look of the entire uni is something like this, trash, broken whatever and more trash.

So all of your notes were written on your knees? Why didn’t they put tables in?

They did, they’re just broken. Have been for years, way before I got in.

:worried: :cloud:

uhhh. where is the nice center of the pic dissappeared to?
:stuck_out_tongue: @evooba

Btw Liftes my blinds today and found this ( One week ago it was still Green :timeflies:

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Bus stop again



how nice view my dude

Almost all the leaves have fallen


Some old friends of mine are in the photo, I had to mark them off.