When and where?

The other day:

A pair of idiots crashed close to my house when I was coming home the other day. Idiot 1 (the BMW) must have been going around the roundabout (which was about 5m to the right out of shot) and idiot 2 (Micra) must’ve t-boned Idiot 1 because Idiot 1 (being a BMW driver) didn’t indicate and idiot 2 (being a micra driver) had the reaction time of a dead person.

Sorry for the vertical filming.


(I was trying to make a paint stencil for my rims, hence all the circles. I haven’t lost my mind yet :stuck_out_tongue: )

Also a fixed one of the possessed RCs the other week:

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Such a beautiful view!

Musical mess happening now in my room


The usual sort of mess happening at my desk :stuck_out_tongue: (this was yesterday)

Also taken yesterday:

I love this one:

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Where are you going?

Went to bring my daughter to a friend and the sky looks just great… me at home… chilling

Yesterday’s walk.


Yup, lots of autumn leaves landed on me yesterday.

and when you walking under chestunt tree you can get other suprises :joy:

Coming home on the train:

I love how they had to explain that fugly meant fabulously ugly in the case of the ad in case people though it was fuck ugly.


@annejprado typically the pictures posted here are pictures we took ourself, but A for effort :stuck_out_tongue:

I took this after work last week and forgot that I was going to post it here. iPhones take such awful pictures in the dark, this could have looked so much nicer


That sky looks awesome.

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Now, that’s beautiful!

Right, this morning:


When the weather knows that you’ve bought new shoes:


Nice colours on the leaves .

For some reason it’s saying that it’s not in jpg format.