When and where?

You are bilingual? I mean literally? My biggest problem is that I’m not quite sure when you’re speaking jokingly or sarcastically and I take it to the letter. :smiley:

So… if you really grew up in bilingual environment, that’s wow, I would have done anything for the same. I regretted my biology studies at the uni, I should have learn languages instead.

he is- me is, are you? :blush:

No you’re not, that’s why your daughter doesn’t dare to practise her English with you.

italian/german, lol SHE with ME learning? no way, would be only argumentation…:wave:bye cya ev, and a good advice: charge your laptop​:grin::grin::grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::smiley::yum::grin::blush::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

You with your daughter or you with nefermiv, these two Italians?

Yes I am. I speak Bulgarian and English. I was born in Bulgaria but have lived in England for nearly 13 years. As a result my English is far better :stuck_out_tongue:

Wooooooow, awesome! :smiley: I would give my ears for it! I only speak Hungarian, my English is meh, though I learnt it for 11 years in school (ok I understand almost everything and surely you can understand me, but it’s not the same). I always envied people like you, being bilingual must be so cool. :slight_smile:

Apparently my great granddad was Hungarian. I don’t know a single word though, I can’t even say hello ro goodbye.

Uh, Hungarian is a messed up language, I love it, but no one can understand it, there are no similar languages. I used to learn Czech and Russian, and I think Bulgarian has some similarities to these, so you can understand words or even sentences from the other two languages. Hungarian is just a mess in this regard.

ON topic:

Yeah, that’s what I keep getting told.

Anyone who speaks 2 languages fluently is billingual. Basically 99% of us in here, it’s not uncommon or anything.


Just now.


Yesterday afternoon. I really like the 4th one.


the third is like a light-bow

It was a lens flare because it was direct sun.

:slight_smile: light-bow…:dizzy:

The “main” church of the city (dunno how it’s called originally). Looks brand new now that they took the scaffoldings off


Not sure if I’ve posted these pics before (weeks ago):


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