When and where?

Sure I’m here too

Really? Seems like you’re saying for the sake of it.

We found these guys after we returned to my moms house on Thursday…

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@samuel_the_leader How did you make that gif?

@intheend It looks cold and spooky. I like it!

We were taken by surprise…we had to sit in the car for five minutes until they left. We always saw them flying around, circling the sky but never seen them up close in person D;

What are they? They look like pigeons in the photo.

What are they (I can’t make them out in the pic)?

@EvoOba @the_termin8r1 they are vultures…we didn’t really know at the time and we thought they were looking for the puppies but we learn they only go after dead things.

Vultures won’t attack you unless you piss them off or unless you’re dead. Mind you, you don’t want to be around lammergeiers. They basically get the bones of the carcasses that the vultures have finished off and they fly up anywhere from 50-150m and strategically drop the bones on rocks to break them and get to their marrow.

They are basically nature’s tactical bombers. Somebody should name a tactical bomber plane after the bird (if they haven’t already).

Oh wow! I’m glad all we have is pigeons here :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah he learned a little about them the next day but we were scared, especially when they started opening up their wings. It was life changing.


I just found these pencils that I’ve had since primary school (I’ve kept them for over 7 years). They’re the result of a challenge that me and a friend set ourselves and that challenge was to see who can get the shortest pencil over time with a manual sharpener and how short we could get them before we either couldn’t sharpen them anymore or use them anymore.

So we didn’t sit down with sharpeners one day we did this over time. My blue pencil won and my normal one came third.

The pic came out sideways for some reason.

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That’s goals right there!

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I forgot to add that I couldn’t sharpen either anymore but I could still use them.

Just convert the video to gif (and compress it so that it fits the 3MB limit).

Or you can do the gif YouTube thing. Type gif in from of YouTube and them boomie!!!

The video was from my phone, I videoed it.

Υeah… my phone is not that smart :stuck_out_tongue:

You videoed it… That’s niced