When and where?

Looks like some explosion.


That looks awesome :open_mouth:

That’s epic!!
I used to see weird clouds like these where I used to live when I was in uni. I didn’t have a decent camera though and didn’t take many photos. Nature is insane.

It was snow cloud, lit through by the sunset.

coworker helped me out so people stop asking me why i look so “angry” i suffer from a resting bitch syndrom.

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Lol. Apparently I looked angry in high school (hence why most people treated me as if I’d rip their wind pipe out with my bare hands). Though my British passport looks like a straight up mug shot :joy: probably because I was pissed as hell to take a pic. I still haven’t seen the updated pic for my Bulgarian passport but I don’t expect it to be much better.

i have some Bulgarian friends, thats one natsionality i like. good looking and fun people

Also very uncivilized for the most part. In England Eastern Europeans (Specifically Bulgarians and Romanians) stand out more than a redneck in a group of aristocrats.

most of people I know from Bulgaria are from Sofia and are talented musicians, not rednecks.

I can’t argue with your experience (obviously) but when I see a Bulgarian over here I just facepalm in shame because they’re usually really vulgar. Mind you, it’s always hilarious when people find out that I’m Bulgarian.

Same with me. People find it hard to believe I’m Greek (which for me is pretty awesome).

How did you drive so fast??? :joy:

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Here comes the Sun

@The_early_walker is this still in Germany?


Seems warm. And we got this rainy cold days till the end of the week.

Just for ya and @coon

Hah! Thanks! Have a nice rest!

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