What's your guilty pleasure?

Rogue One is probably my favourite. The majority of the film is solid, but that final battle was insane.


I haven’t seen that one. Thanks for recommendation :sweat_smile:


Yea, that movie is dope. I love how the end perfectly leads into Episode 4. :ok_hand:

lol, I’m getting weird vibes from this :joy:

In terms of my guilty pleasure, I’d say I have a few in terms of music, not really movies or books. Recently I’ve been really into lo-fi rap and mumble rap. The majority of mumble rap is garbage, but there’s actually a pretty dope underground community. I find a lot on youtube channels like Indleglance, The Bootleg Boy and Sad Chill. I also like to listen to comedic rap sometimes. Mostly TMG and Pokémon rap :joy:


I have to agree with @LP13413. I thought about it and I couldn’t think of anything.

This. Although I do listen to quite a bit of pop too, so I can’t really call it a guilty pleasure. I thought of cheese too, but then again, can’t really call it a guilty pleasure!


hmmm my guilty pleasure :thinking::face_with_monocle:

Well definitely Rainbows, Kittens & Unicorns :rainbow::heart_eyes_cat: :unicorn: (You’ve seen the pants :joy: :joy: )

The actual Guilty Pleasure I suppose would be Pokemon/Marvel/Other “Nerdy” stuff (yes I am 24, yes I still enjoy them :joy:) I’m pretty sure I’ve posted the shelf full of figurings and stuff. I also have a collection of cards ranging from when I was little and a few from now + some from Japan (actually my favorite ones)

Basically I have an upstairs room that I call the nerd cave because of all the Pop Vinyls, Plushies, other figures, and some game consoles.

But I’m not too embarrassed about it. It’s part of what makes me myself :smile:


Aye! :fist: You hype for Sword and Shield?


Definitely! I actually got my fiancé more into pokemon so now we can get both versions :joy:


lol, that’s how you do it! :joy:

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Also totally into star wars.
But for me it is episode 5 and 6 :sunglasses:
The not remastered version.

Rogue one was awesome! Finally real Star Wars again!:joy:
I also liked the new Solo.:woman_shrugging:

@lpaniist :hugs::heart:


Pokemon Blue and Red was awesome


Those were a little before my time :joy: My brother had a random copy of Yellow that I played before but I’ve never played either of those. Emerald will always be my favorite tho.

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That was the only SW film I haven’t really liked. I’m not counting Clone Wars, that film as atrocious.

I just really disliked 1 - 3

Always some words I have to google :joy:

Oh hell naw,
Don’t go bashing on padme :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Guilty pleasure :thinking:
Not very guilty at all lol but maybe Taylor Swift :thinking:

I started with Yellow, but loved those games, My favorite will always be Silver though.

I also just started playing a fan made one on my phone (I may or may not have found a way to play Gameboy games on it :nerd_face:) called Fire Red Team Rocket edition and so far I love it you basically get to play as a team rocket member and steal Pokemon from others :joy:

@jrtrussell I can include you on this comment as well lol


lol, I know that game and enjoy playing the fan made games, cant say I’ve played it tho. They bring a different style then the regular games. I used to be able to play on an emulator on my Samsung, but unfortunately I can’t on my iPhone unless I hacked it. :weary: I still have my DS tho so I can still play all my old GB pokemon games :joy: Currently working on nuzlocking Firered.

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I’ve only played a few fan made ones, currently on “Glazed” and it’s not bad if i remember reading correctly it has about 22 gyms and 3 different regions. so might keep me busy for a bit lol :joy:

I have never tried to Nuzlock I’d be too sad if one of my favorites fainted :joy:

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Aye! Glazed is one of my favs, haven’t finished it yet (way too long :joy:) but yea that’s def one of he better ones. I would try Blazed Glazed, same thing but updated and fixed.

That’s the best part :joy: Losing your favorites and having to use the guys you never otherwise would

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Haha nice!! It really is a longer one might be one of the reasons I’m liking it! There’s also a few small details in the game that I think are so cool.
Alright I might have to download it and save it for later :thinking:

I suppose it would make you rethink your whole strategy! Makes it worth it when you have to give up a legendary only to beat the elite 4 with a magikarp :joy: :joy:

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oooh my ! literally 7 yrs back! :joy:

i knew you would say this! i was damn sure! :joy:

even mee! :joy: i completely understand you!

aannnnd mine i really don’t know. :thinking: what could it be … can someone help telling mine lol… :question: … really confused what it could be cause i never thought of this :thinking: