What is you biggest regret in life

Yeah, it always seems like people take advantage of you if you have a heart. People look for any chance they can get to stab you in the back and use you. But what they don’t know is that they are messing up and it’s going to catch up with them later on. Just be yourself and screw what everyone else thinks or says.


Trust me, I’ve already listened to and will continue to listen to most of they’re music for as long as I may live. I already have 5 albums, bout to have 2 t shirts, and will have more LP gear in the future. And as I’m sure you can imagine, I’ve even shed tears over the situation. Its a VERY touchy subject to me. But anyway, I’m happy to be here with so many kind hearted people.


Yeah it was hard for me as well, but I think I’ve gotten over it. I’m just thankful for all the amazing music and experiences I’ve had thanks to the band. It’s something that sticks with you forever. If you need to talk you can always reach out here :slight_smile:


I don’t have a lot regret in my life . Letting to little girls go back home to there mom after she left them with me for 6 months to almost 3 years and i put them in school and almost got full Custody of them.



I sort of regret returning to the forums. I think I know what I regret, I regret ever starting a relationship with Pat in the first place.

I see your point here. Feel better soon and we’re here if you need us

you have just about every album but you still need one more the Hunting party

Sometimes I regret my life i gone though a lot and letting hem having his friend staying with us and we become friends then they hurt me


I regret that I opened up so much to some people. I am too naive and I am always the one in tears. People like to take advantage of me being an idiot for trusting them. So many people stabbed me in the back from the front. I have to change that

Yeah I have that problem I try to be nice to people but they hurt me because I buy their lies sometimes my own mother. Tells me I am to nice like a week ago my friend needed 20 bucks for something I don’t know what and then she said she give it back the next day and a few days later do have a ten and so I get what you mean and maybe it’s time we cut those people out if are life @rorybourdon

I feel like this is the reason I became quiet.

Awwwww you guys all need a group hug :hugs:

Opening up to people is hard, trusting people is hard - and when they stab you in the back, or use you - it’s just a kick in the balls man.
All you can do - is accept that’s who they are, let them go, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and eventually you’ll find people worth a damn.
But never lose hope, never close yourself off or shut down - there are some beautiful people out there - unfortunately you just gotta plow through the ugly crapmonsters first to find them.
Which, when you do find them, you appreciate them all the more :heart:


And your right @neeksnz. Not all people are bad


True and beautiful words @neeksnz ! Amen!

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I’m nice to pretty much everyone. I’m not regretful for that, but it can be a pain sometimes. Life altogether can be a pain a lot…A lot…


I just got back from seeing my psychiatrist and we were talking (at my suggestion) about the ‘positivity’ of long term depression or rather positive health effects. One example being when you care about nothing and have no desire to enjoy certain things in a depressive crisis then i am less likely to want to eat an entire box of crispy creme doughnuts, because i dont believe i deserve them.
Im not saying that those things are sustainable or even long term healthy headspaces but
My psych agrees that sometimes using your shitty headspaces to achieve a goal can be helpful. The utility of depression if you will…

Another example being that depression has taught me to understand the shitty, socially innapropriate, annoying things about myself and because im always hearing the voice in my head about how much of a fuckup i am. It has therefore over time made me more full of personality and less annoying to be around than some if my peers because depression can sometimes serve the purpose of forced insight…

Anyway i wasnt sure if you had thought of things in that way…id love to discuss if anyone is interested

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My regret? Rejoining LPU.

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Why, what happened?


Same here, what is the matter of this Laura? @lauralou42??