What is a LP Meet Up?

ähm I´m new here and I hope somebody can help me maybe.
I wanted to know what is a Meet Up?
Well, I know I can meet LP there but can every LPU member go there or is it how the M&G and LPSummit a contest? :wink:

ich schreibe mal lieber auf deutsch. Hoffe, dass mir vielleicht jemand helfen kann.
Also ich bin neu im LPU und kenn mich noch nicht so richtig aus.
Ich wollte eigentlich nur wissen, was ein Meet Up ist? Es muss ja etwas anders sein als Meet&Greets und LP Summits. Muss man bei einem Meet Up auch an einem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen, oder kann dort jeder, der ein LPU Mitglied ist hingehen?
Danke schonmal im Vorraus :wink:

I did some searching since I didn’t know myself, and if they haven’t change from LPU12, it seems anyone from LPU can go for a $15 fee. I also don’t know much about Summits, but I thought those were first come, first serve things that you bought while Meet & Greets were random

LP isn’t usually at the Meetups. They’re basically just gatherings of LPU members that the fanclub formally organizes. So you’ll see people like Lorenzo at the Meetups, but not the band. They also usually hook you up with some exclusive items.

Ah, okay thank you! :smile:

I was at a LPU MeetUp in Cologne. There were around 20-30 LPU members who met at Cologne’s Hard Rock Cafe and talked to each other. Later we got to watch an exclusive LPTV episode.

The official LPU Meet Ups are scheduled events for fans in order to meet other fans. Usually those Meet Ups are hosted by Hard Rock Café. The fee may vary, but is usually about 15 Euro. LPUers can bring non-members to the Meet Ups so they can check out the fanbase, too. Sometimes there are also unofficial ones started by fans. I’ve been to an unofficial one and an official one. I highly recommend them, since it’s a lot of fun to meet other LPUers in person. Keep an eye open during tours in your area, cause they usually announce a bunch of Meet Ups as well.

Thank you!
Of course I will. :slight_smile:

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