What Happened To Me Made Me Realise The Frailty Of Life

Samuel, good to hear from you! How are you doing? :hugs: hugs :hugs:

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Wow so sorry you went through this. I’m glad too you are still here. Sending you strength for a good recovery. :muscle::muscle::muscle::hugs:

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I am sorry, it’s really devastating. I hope you will get better sooner​:blush::grin: Stay strong!:blush:

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Thanks for sharing your story with us. Are you in your 30’s? I can tell you that the office chair can and will kill you. There are many articles out there that suggest the modern day office chair is worse for you than smoking is. You must get up every hour and walk around, do cardio type exercising at least 3 times a week, and drink more water than you actually want to. Cardiovascular disease is no joke. I wonder, did you have any preliminary signs in the weeks or months leading up to the heart attack? Glad you made it through this!!


Oh Wow! Sending thoughts for a good and strong recovery!!

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So thankful that you are still with us. Much love to you. :heart:

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OMG OMG Sam! :scream: I’m so glad you’re still with us! Hope you’ll get well soon!! I can imagine the thought: how will everybody feel when I’m gone? Lucky you’re still with us!!!

And yes, office chairs are a killing machine these days, basically what @marcusarelius says. You have to get out there, enjoy some trip into the nature every weekend, exercise, drink 3l per day… It’s difficult but it’s gonna make you better in time :slight_smile: I hope it’s your last and also that it taught you to value and enjoy every little thing in your life :hugs:


Stay strong man! Take care of yourself! <3


Happy birthday Samuel! :birthday:
What about your health? I hope you are feeling better :hugs:

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Today, as I came from the shower, when I just finished wearing my clothes, I suddenly started to hyperventilate (I guess it was due to lack of oxygen). I was blinded by black colour for a second. Somehow I managed to get to my bed, and I breathed calmly. Suddenly I felt as if I had to vomit. I went again inside. The sensation of vomit went away. Then I thought to return to my daily routine when suddenly I couldn’t walk properly. I lost control over my legs and literally fell on the bed. Now I am perfect as if nothing happened.


That’s so weird… I’m proud of you that you were able to get out of hyperventilation, most of the time I start panicking and I need someone else to help me breathe normal again. So well done :hugs: hope you keep feeling perfectly fine now

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:scream: Did you see a doctor after that??
Agreed with @birdy1989 , proud of how you reacted on this! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :muscle: Sending you strenght and hugs! :hugs: :heart: :hugs:

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I would like to know what was the reason of this as I experience something like you decribed almost 2 years ago. I’ve passed out and must have been unconscious for a moment. Then I woke up and never had this again.

I said to myself ‘Seems I’ m aging’. But you are young… :thinking:


Maybe the shower was too hot? You should talk to someone competent about it, maybe a doctor and see if it will happen again
You have been amazing at not losing control and managing to stop hyperventilation

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Thanks for Ur Love guys. For the doctor part, I called my father (I live in a hostel, and my parents are doctors).

Anomalia, my father told me these reasons :-

  1. Excess use of phones and headphones/earphones.
  2. Lack of sleep.
  3. Lack of Water.
  4. Overloaded mind.
    The only reason I could find in me was lack of Water.

PS- The shower was cold Marilau.


Then drink more water please! :muscle: At least you can directly ask your parents for advices and not waiting days to get a visit… :muscle: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I drunk atleast 3 bottles of 750 ml today


Very good! keep going like this! especially on summer…


Do a bit of all, hope it won’t happen again :crossed_fingers:t2: