What are you listening to this minute? Just curious

I listen to Royal Republic ‘When I See You Dance With Another’. In my opinion they made a brilliant new album

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meanwhile I really like them, let´s listen together…:stuck_out_tongue:
pl set the link @the_termin8r1, like this the music ends up if I change topic [the pressure of my shame in the twitter spelling test was imm away after seeing ya C…lol ]

I’m not sure what you mean. What do you want the link to?

the youtube-link to the album…lol, than I open a new tab and let it play there…@the_termin8r1

Just play the vid here and click on the little YT logo at the bottom of the vid and it’ll take you to a new tab with the video on it’s YT page.

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thanx, just done, never knew this before…you know that you´re a real gentle-man, man??? not to befound often nowerdays, but I think english-education is quite a bit diverse from german -let it all go- attitute lol @the_termin8r1 [one good side more found…lol :stuck_out_tongue:]

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Gore (album) - Deftones (again, cause I really like it)

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Trying to get through a whole slipknot album without getting bored of the heaviness.

link me if it is poss, hi @evooba, everybodies on board? let´s have a party

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Sorry, just checking in, can’t stick around. We have fam over from London, they surprised us this morning.

hownice, wish ya good communications, family rules at least…:relaxed:

This guy is awesome

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I never thought I’d like this.

I don’t trust that artwork…


that is just waayy to cute. nomnommers

edit @samuel_the_leader

it´s badquality, it´stheearly ones, it´sthe real LP Spirit…lol :laughing: omo :stuck_out_tongue:

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I heard this on a trailer for Doom that came up as an ad on YT

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