What are you listening to this minute? Just curious

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45 shinedown

I know a bit of Polish, but definitely not enough to understand long sentences, especially songs. But nevertheless, it was good.
Enjoy the Phedora show, and have a great time.

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upside down…radio…diana ross

From Game of Thrones Season6 Trailer:

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I just saw this movie, and thought you guys might like the songs in it. Brutal!!!

How does a band go from this:

To this?

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Always a pleasure to see someone listening to a song I posted some time ago :stuck_out_tongue:
Also try this:

Metal Monday Bonus:

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uts was just something i was listening at this time :stuck_out_tongue: Myles has this perfect rock voice.

I was at my aunt’s today and like usual, we had a jam session with my cousins. Before playing our own stuff we messed around with some techno (yes, even me) songs and played over them some silly tunes. Not sure what the name of the song was (it was a really long one) but it was kind of cool.

Ah, jamming is so much fun! It always makes me want to try and learn to play an instrument. But alas, my keyboarding skills are still not sufficient enough :slight_smile:

It’s never too late :wink: My keyboard skills are SO bad, I’m horrible at it, especially if I use two hands. But a fun way to play is with two people. Super fun lol!

My hands are too slow haha. But it is fun to play with someone though yes.

Reminds me of this [I wish I could play half as good as these guys]

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Ah yes, seen this before! Pretty cool!

Then, you have these guys:


OMG that is pretty awesome. Hooray for the digital era :stuck_out_tongue:

This is where music will be in a couple of hundred years time. Nobody will play physical instruments. It will be a bunch of guys up on stage hitting ipads. These guys are cool but I dread that this is where music is doomed to go in the future.

I really really hope it won’t come to that. The magic will be ruined.