What are you doing right now?

Hope she’s okay :open_mouth:

Talking about shrimp.ono

Sorry to hear that, hope you and your cousin are ok! :+1:

im expressing my idiocy by being a valuable idiot.

I hope your cousin is ok. How is she doing now?

Now is break time.

In the airport. Customs

@evkorngdlpid She’s ok for now.

@NickGr Where are you off to?

I just woke up, having breakfast right now. Will head to work soon.

Hope your cousin will recover @evooba and safe travels @NickGr.

Me I’m trying to buy tickets at the ticketmaster site, keep getting a “one moment please” screen. I want to refresh but scared that I’ll end up having to wait longer… :confused:

~ update ~

I got tickets!

Oh no! Sorry to hear that! I hope she has a quick recovery and a safe, successful surgery! :slight_smile:

I’m waiting on my chicken to finish marinading. I’m marinading it in ranch dressing. If that’s not midwestern, idk what is. Lol!

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Omg now I want chicken!

France. Now I’m in Paris, proceeding through customs

Chicken is finger linkin’ good :stuck_out_tongue:

But why?


That’s cool. I like ‘Kingdom Wrestling’ I’m not very good at coming up with names for things (my bands have always struggled with good band names) but I’ll have a think, maybe a city will be easier :blush:

Just turned on BID :3

Thanks fluffy



About to watch me some supernatural

Charging the batteries in my camera for last-minute concert plans tonight.

I just got back from work. About to have dinner and head straight to bed.

Still exploring the Internet …

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Trying to cure the hangover.

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