What are you doing right now?

Watching Suicide Squad.


Love that film!

Good movie, except for the joker was more of a joke.

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Stay strong :muscle:t2: and the laundry will be dry for sure and if you do everything step by step you do it all well :sunny: :hugs: @evooba

:coffee: + :iphone:

Finally ending a long night, and going to bed. I love weekends like this.

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Goodnight Andy :crescent_moon: @LP13413 have a good rest bro :zzz:

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My morning : "I’m ready to go for a run! :grinning:open the door… Ok, it’s raining :no_mouth: "

Result: Watching New Girl, drinking a coffee.

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Having a bath getting ready for my cousins wedding and it’s sunshine outside!!! They are so lucky…yesterday it was foggy!!

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Watching Tv.

Stranger Things is soo good! You know season 3 is in production?

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Bad day at work today, freaking summer British weather -.-

I love Stranger Things as well, can’t wait for season 3!

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Just came home, somehow survived today. One day left…

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on youtube and browsing :grinning:

Watching Gotham

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Sitting down at the piano for a while.


@LP13413 do you play piano? right now im listening to piano music on youtube its relaxing :rofl:


Relaxing in my bed

In the bath feeling hungover getting ready to go go karting my my little brothers birthday!